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Thursday, April 17, 2014

Passing it on-

Hi guys-  it's been a while since my last post. I had a couple of inspiring incidents but wasn't sure if I could share them- they really weren't mine to tell. I'll just say that there is good out there. Believe that.

Do you believe that your deceased loved ones have your back, whisper to you, try to help?  I do. Please, just try it. Ask for a sign .Then watch and be aware. I feel so fortunate to see/hear these whispers. 

I heard something recently that I do want to share.

Are you allowing minor things to get in the way of your joy and happiness?

If you are criticizing, blaming, complaining, you are not being grateful. If you are feeling tension, rushing,  in a bad mood, you are not being grateful. 
Hard to not experience any of these things within your day. Right?  Practice, practice, practice.
Gratitude can transform your life.
Luv ya,

Thursday, January 16, 2014


Dear Alli & Nick & all

Mathew 6: 34 

So do not worry or be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will have worries and anxieties of its own. Sufficient for each day is its own trouble.

 Or as included in the twelve steps- "One day at a time".   

This is written to be looked at a couple different ways. Sarcastically because I'm in that kind of mood - darn it, each day does have its own troubles and don't you get tired of them. Sufficient for each day is its own trouble- AMEN. But if I pile on what troubles I might have down the road whew - it could be overwhelming so... Don't worry and be anxious about tomorrow. 

 That's all. Sometimes I just need to be reminded to stop worrying and settle into one day at a time. 

PS- I love how the words from the Bible written so many many years ago are changed and reused.

Luv ya, 

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Food for Thought

Good thoughts is food.

                                          Raymond J. Cleveland , 90

This remarkable man said he would sometimes rather have good things spoken to him than to eat regular food. It's easier to digest and better for the body and soul.  He takes no medicine and has no pains. His secret, according to him, is a positive mind.

If you want to hear more about Ray, click here.    Ray

Do you think that the more positive people in the world have a brain chemical different from those who aren't?  Why are some people just naturally cheerful and glass half full when others are not and it's a struggle? Well I will struggle on because I want to be like Ray.

Luv ya,
Raymond J. Cleveland
Raymond J. Cleveland
Raymond J. Cleveland

Friday, December 6, 2013

Humm- Grateful?

Something I recently read- It seems I keep coming across these kinds of messages. I must really need them. But his one really got me. Think about it.

What if you woke up today and had only the things you expressed gratefulness for yesterday?


Yikes!   Right?


I encourage you to be thankful because the reality is that whatever our circumstances we really do have so much and we need to focus in that everyday.

A recent song I came across said something like this -  "Bad things happen we all have pain I can moan and complain but there are a million other things I can be grateful for."

Luv ya- 

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Just a Thought



I find it interesting that so many who quote and espouse John 3:16 often seem to forget about 

John 4: 11

Luv ya, 


11 Beloved, if God loved us so [very much], we also ought to love one another. 


I think that means all others.While I don't really quote John 3:16 I've been challenged lately in John 4:11. I needed this reminder. A lot of people need this reminder these days.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Turn Some Pages

If your tired of the same old story-well then turn some pages.
I will be there when you are ready to roll with the changes.
Cause you've got to keep on rollin.  REO Speedwagon

I can't tell you have much this song has been going through my head for several days now- one I woke up singing on Thursday and this is Sunday!!. I kept meaning to share it here, actually immediately, because I am always intrigued by how I get certain songs in my mind and why.  So now that I have maybe I can move on to something else. (please).  I hope whomever the message was meant for (besides myself of course) will receive it. I've heard this song so many times for years and the words never meant anything to me.  But they are really pretty cool.  TURN THE DARN PAGES!! Do something different, go after your dream if you're tired of things as they are.  The universe will be there when you are ready- set in your mind- asking- offering.

But  also stop telling that tired story.  Like "I can't because...." My childhood was this so that",  " I'm different so....",  "I've been hurt so..."   "Everything always goes wrong for me"   It's all a story we tell ourselves that prevents us from rollin. That was then this is now. Turn the page and write something different.  Roll with the changes.

Luv ya,

Thursday, September 5, 2013

EWW Dried Up Bones

A cheerful heart is a good medicine; 

But a broken spirit drieth up the bones

 Just a thought for the day- even if you're having a bad day, I bet you can find one thing to laugh out loud about, or at least give a little smile about.  Don't let them bones dry up!  ha ha ha


Love ya,