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Sunday, May 27, 2012

Oh Happy Day

This song was whizzing thru my head:

Oh Happy day
oh happy day
 Oh Happy da-ay
 oh happy day
When he washed, (when he washed) - oh when he washed , (when he washed) he washed my sins away  
The tune and message on this song is awesome. 

"He taught me howwwwwww to looooove, fight and pray
and he'll rejoooooooooice , rejoice, in things we say, everyday. 

Oh it's a happy day. 
So let's change it up:

And we'll rejoice in things we say everyday-  (positive- affirming)
Cause it's a happy day 
When we washed, (oh when we washed) we washed our negativity away.

Another version says' "we live rejoicing- everyday"
I like that one too.

Luv ya.  PS if you don't know the song google it Oh Happy Day. Everyone from the movie Sister Act to Aretha Franklin, choirs etc, do this.  But here is a great one from a Brazilian kids talent show
TURN IT UP!  Believe me you will want to dance.

Jotta A 


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