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Thursday, May 10, 2012

Grateful Today

Below is a list of things most people can be grateful for. So if you haven't said your grateful list today just read this one with true belief and deep feeling.

I am grateful for-
       My family- (give your own reason why here)
       Time- I do always have a few minutes to contemplate/reflect.
       My body- it carries my soul and gives it shelter in this earthly experience
       My heart- it is beating and allowing oxygen and nutrients to flow throughout my body
       The clouds- they make a beautiful sky and give me shelter from the sun
       The sun- warmth, light and beauty
       My home (weather you own or rent, etc) - I have a place to sleep, eat, relax, entertain, etc

Thank you for all of these things.  

Remember being grateful is good for the spirit- opens a space for even better things in your life and is proven to be medically beneficial. 7 items has a biblical and universal significance. 

Luv ya

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