2 Corinthians 10:5
casting down imaginations, and every high thing that is exalted against the knowledge of God, and bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ

The message I take from the verse above has been a common theme in my postings. Turn negative thought to positive thought. This has often been a theme in my postings, I guess because I need to remember it so much. We all do.
powerful is it to know that imaginations (that horrible chatter on our
heads) that tell us we aren't good enough or whatever negativity is
there is actually a thought against what God knows to be true. He knows we are wonderful people worthy of our dreams. WOW. And the words "obedience to Christ" could be a bit weird, but it just means to the teachings of Jesus. If you just look at the teachings of Jesus, it is easy to turn your thoughts into that. To be more Christ like. And that is really what we should all strive for. I'll look a bit into those teachings for you and write my thoughts on those next time.
Love ya,
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