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Sunday, May 6, 2012

“The more you unfold, the less likely you are to unravel.”
 from a story by William B. Stewart, M.D.

Think about that for a minute. I really like it.  You know sometimes I go surfing in my books and on computer to find something to inspire me to write about, but more often than not it finds me, like this one did.  It was just there and I know.  Coincidence/serendipity?  Look up those words-very similar with minor differences. I think serendipity is more directed, purposeful, from God/Universe. Something given to us for a reason.

Oh! Where was I?    I might just put this saying on my mirror as a daily reminder. The message is pretty clear. What I take from it....
one is that I can let things go, go with the flow, be patient. I shouldn't allow things to bother me until I just unravel- go off- blow up, etc.  

or that I should "unfold" a problem I have in a situation - look at it, figure it out before it becomes huge and causes me or my life to unravel. 

also that I can "unfold" to someone that I have a problem with them- get it out in the open before the relationship unravels. 

I am going to go unfold now- I like that word- you might be hearing me use it in my everyday. "Well see ya later I need to unfold for awhile"  or "I gotta go unfold with someone" ha ha- so much better than "I'm gonna go blast someone".  

Luv ya,


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