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Monday, April 16, 2012

Show me a sign.

Wish it were this easy.
Dear Nick Ali and friends-  have you ever asked the Universe-  "Show me a sign!! You know- show me what to do or show me that this is the right thing to do. Then you hoped that thunder would roar or the phone would ring with just the answer you needed, or something. You know I think it does happens that way sometimes, I really do.

But more often we aren't really given that big sign or we are given a sign that is much more subtle.
Usual more ethereal like this

That sign is usually your inner gut feeling or the monkey chatter even, telling you to go ahead or you probably shouldn't- or maybe it's something someone else said that you recall now.  Or you call a friend or family member and they have advice, or you read something, come across something- comes in many ways.

I believe if you truly ask for help for a decision from the universe you will get it in some way if you listen (and feel) for it.

Love ya.

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