I keep reading and hearing things about being content, so I keep writing about it. Saying it in different ways.
I saw a short video yesterday about the human need for more- always more. This video made it out to be a bad thing, greed. I know that being too greedy is a bad thing, but I believe the human spirit thrives on dreams. Dreams for things we want, dreams for how we would like our lives to be. Dreams for our children. According to Mike Dooley-
"Not having all you want is one of life's constants".
One dream comes true and we're off chasing another. Is there a fine line between wants/dreams and greed? (I'll have to study on this a bit more and get back to you) I guess expecting too much can be considered greedy and not being grateful for what you have at this moment could signify greed. But I do know that another of life's constants should be joy. Another topic, I've covered. Being joyful (happy, content) while you don't have all you want. Please learn that now!! My fear is you will keep saying, I'll be content/happy when.....fill in the blank.....Then 20 years have gone by and you can't remember really allowing yourself to live- to be happy. Mike says-"Desire is a beautiful thing!" As long as we don't make ourselves and those around us miserable from too much desire. ( You've seen all the movies with this theme, Scrooge:-).
Hoping you catch your dreams and fulfill your desires. Luv ya!
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