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Friday, April 6, 2012

Plans? What plans?

A bit long but bear with me.
I want to share this because it is really good- again coincidence!?? I think not. When  Roland was still in a coma we would all talk to him as if he could hear us because we were told that in his particular state he could. I was so excited one morning- Sunday actually-when the Joyce Meyer Daily popped up on my iPAd. I told Roland a message was sent for him ( and for me) and I read it to him realizing that not going as planned was an understatement in his case- but still it was a perfect message for the day.

When Life Doesn't Go According to Plan
The apostle Paul tells us in Romans 8:28 that all things work together for good. Notice Paul doesn't say that all things are good, but that all things work together for good.
Paul also tells us in Romans 12:16 to "readily adjust yourself to [people, things]." The idea is that we must learn to become the kind of person who plans things but who doesn't fall apart if that plan doesn't work out.
Let's say you get in your car and it won't start. There are two ways you can look at the situation.
You can think, "I knew it! My plans always flop."

Or you can tell yourself, "Well, I can't leave home right now, but that's ok. I believe this change in plans is going to work out for my good. God is in control."
Allow God to be the glory and lifter of your head (see Psalm 3:3). He wants to lift everything: your hopes, attitudes, moods, head, hands, heart, your entire life. Remember, even when life doesn't go according to plan, He is good.

The Life Application daily reading was this one-  This will take your breath away- as it did mine.
“LORD, remind me how brief my time on earth will be.
Remind me that my days are numbered—
how fleeting my life is

There was more but you understand.  

This was the morning Sunday, March 25th, that Roland opened his eyes. About 15 minutes after I read this.  

Chills, right-  Love you

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