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Thursday, December 19, 2013

Food for Thought

Good thoughts is food.

                                          Raymond J. Cleveland , 90

This remarkable man said he would sometimes rather have good things spoken to him than to eat regular food. It's easier to digest and better for the body and soul.  He takes no medicine and has no pains. His secret, according to him, is a positive mind.

If you want to hear more about Ray, click here.    Ray

Do you think that the more positive people in the world have a brain chemical different from those who aren't?  Why are some people just naturally cheerful and glass half full when others are not and it's a struggle? Well I will struggle on because I want to be like Ray.

Luv ya,
Raymond J. Cleveland
Raymond J. Cleveland
Raymond J. Cleveland

Friday, December 6, 2013

Humm- Grateful?

Something I recently read- It seems I keep coming across these kinds of messages. I must really need them. But his one really got me. Think about it.

What if you woke up today and had only the things you expressed gratefulness for yesterday?


Yikes!   Right?


I encourage you to be thankful because the reality is that whatever our circumstances we really do have so much and we need to focus in that everyday.

A recent song I came across said something like this -  "Bad things happen we all have pain I can moan and complain but there are a million other things I can be grateful for."

Luv ya-