Good morning, afternoon or evening,
I've read some interesting articles lately about how to tap into the laws of the universe to build our dream life. This ideas comes from so many directions; from the Bible to The Secret, to Mary Morrissey's Dream Builder, Joyce Meyer, etc. Is really is so simple, but something we don't pay enough attention to.
As simple as we can't get what we want until we beam in on what we want. Again- UNTIL WE BEAM IN ON WHAT WE WANT Until we dare to dream. Then we have to believe our dream can come true and take the necessary steps to help the universe help us. How many times have you heard someone say, I bought a red car (color, model, whatever) and now I see so many red cars when I didn't before. Once we set our mind on a dream we are open to the possibilities- we "see" the openings to our dream.
I started thinking of times in my life that this might have been true. I remember one very vividly (I'm sure there are more) but I had never thought of it this way. One of my AHA moments for sure, just today. OMG I've done this. I've focused on a dream that came true! There is a cute little apartment complex on Grindstead and Glenmary Drives here in Louisville. I used to drive past it and say to myself I want to live there. As I drove by there once with some out of town guests, I told them that also. I guess I did this for almost a year. I really knew what I wanted. Every time I went by there I had that thought that I wanted to live there. Guess what? I did eventually live there. The timing all came together for this to happen and I loved being there.
Then I recall how I created the opposite affect. I had a job that anyone should have appreciated and I bad talked it in my mind and out loud till it disappeared. The problem with this aside from the obvious is that I didn't have a DREAM to replace it. If that job was so bad and was something I didn't want, then what did I want? I didn't really take the time to figure that out- to make my dream and go after it.
It isn't too late of course and as my Blog intro says- I'm writing this so my fav people don't wait til they're 50's to realize they have the universe at their fingertips.
So if you have a dream life- write it down with no buts. (No but I don't have the money, education, contacts. I'm too old, too tired, too................... ) Then concentrate on that dream life everyday- I think the doors will open.
Luv ya!
Thoughts about gratitude and attitude and keeping positive in an often negative world. Created for my favorite people, my son and my niece but open to any who may enjoy starting the day/week with a positive thought.
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Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
The Evil and the Good.
Matthew 5:45 that ye may be sons of your Father who is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sendeth rain on the just and the unjust.

I have to believe that as the verse says they also do have their "rain". We just don't see it. And while I shouldn't admit this I think down inside we'd all feel a little better about things if we did see the "rain" of our enemies.
But the right thing to do is practice forgiveness and be happy for anyone's blessings in order for us to receive more. It takes practice.
Luv ya.
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
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