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Wednesday, January 2, 2013

10 ways to keep those Resolutions.

HAPPY NEW YEARS EVERYONE!  Today I am borrowing because this is just too good not to share. Because though it wasn't originally meant for New Years, I found it at the perfect time- when we're all making those New Year's resolutions. And because I need to remember. This is going on my bathroom mirror. (** are my emphasize)

The Official Top Ten Spiritual Ways to Defeat Boredom, Make Friends, Find Love, Trim Down, Shape Up, Discover Your Purpose, Make a Fortune, and Shine Your Light, are...
1. Take action.
2. Show up.
3. Lean into it.
4. Start anywhere. ******
5. Keep busy.
6. Get out more.
7. Ask for help.******
8. Shake more hands. ****
9. Give more hugs.
10. Don't stop.******
You were already visualizing, right?
    The Universe

Alli, and Nick-  this is your year! 13 is our family's lucky number- did you know that?  I am sooo excited by what is going to happen for us in 2013 I can hardly stand it.  And for everyone else I wish you also a very lucky. loving 2013.  
Luv Ya

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