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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

A Man & his Dog (and more)


Do something to honor a living friend, whether animal or human, who has touched your life with unconditional love. 

See linked story. Very nice, enjoy. I wanted to share.  

A Picture Worth A Thousand Words


 Luv ya!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Hope the end of the storm is a golden sky and the sweet silver song of a lark.  Walk on through the wind, walk on through the rain...........walk on, walk on with hope in your heart and you'll never walk alone. 

My song of the morning. It popped into my head while showering. I have not heard this song for years. Below I found the Letterman version I grew up with placed with some very nice pictures.  Turn it up and sing at the top of your voice!!!

Luv ya,

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Make it a Ritual

I read something this morning that reminded me to remind you. I've written several times about how important gratefulness is. As I've said, it has even been studied and they found that a ritual of gratefulness improves health and creates a sense of well being.

One way to make this a ritual in your daily life is to use time in the morning when you are maybe not yet fully awake and already stressed about getting ready for or facing your day. You've opened your eyes and stretched, now offer your thankfulness to the universe. Thankfulness for the good begets more good.

Then at night right before you fall asleep, if you say prayers, add to them the good things that happened that day-can be as small as "Someone smiled at me today." and remember how that made you feel.  As you sleep the good will seep into your unconscious. If prayers are not part of your ritual then just remind yourself of the good. It also helps to acknowledge how wonderful YOU were in that day. Maybe you smiled at someone and made their day. Maybe you accomplished something at work/play.  Acknowledge yourself and be good to yourself.

Love you.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Inspiring Perseverance

This is the most inspiring thing that I have seen in a while. (thanks Mom for the picture- more below). This tiny bird built this nest of clay piece by piece, carrying what little bit of clay he could on each trip til it was done. Talk about perseverance!.  Today we all want whatever we want NOW or ASAP.  I am so overwhelmingly inspired and realize that working toward a goal is never a waste of time and bit by bit you/I can and will reach it if we have patience and perseverance.  Time is passing anyway so why not work on the thing that you want while it passes. Bit by bit and maybe you/I will get there as long as we can imagine the end result.  (And sometimes with a little help.)  A book written, a song recorded, a purse made :-), a license obtained, a healthier body, a business.......

And I wonder how many times this little bird dropped the clay from his beak and had to go back and get more. How many failures before the success. I'm printing and keeping this picture at my desk to remind me.

The e-mail sent with this picture just said WOW.  WOW indeed.

"I'll put this little piece here." wow
with a little help from my friends

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Morning Glory or Morning, Glory

Reexamine all that you have been told in school, or in church or in any book. 

Dismiss whatever insults your soul. 

- Walt Whitman -


One of my Morning Glories

Dismiss whatever insults your soul. :-) ..... or affirms negativity, or allows excuses.   I've written about the Landmarks of Excellence teachings before. This teaching takes you back to a time when someone said or did something that "defined" who you would be. You can't do that, you aren't smart enough, people like us don't do well, on and on and on. Or maybe you read that 90% of people grow up to be like their parents and that stuck with you whether you appreciate who your parents are or not.  

Dismiss anything that when repeated gives you a hollow, hurt feeling in your heart or gut.  Not easy, takes work- but with practice it can be done. Be like the mysterious plant in my front garden (it's a Morning Glory)-Be colorful, resilient and open up in the morning ready to surprise the world.

Luv ya, 

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Mother nature, father earth.

The Crescent-Shaped Molokini Crater in Hawaii. 

Wow!  That's all. Just wow. 

Something beautiful to look at this morning. 

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Honeyed Words

And again the Bible a cazillion year old book reinforces what  The Secret, The Laws of Attraction, all that "new" stuff is trying to say.

 The mind of the wise
makes their speech insightful
and enhances the teaching of their lips.

Pleasant words are flowing honey,
sweet to the taste
and healing to the bones. 

Proverbs 16:23-24


Thoughts and words are connected. Don't try and 'fake' on the outside what isn't real inside. This is the hardest part.  My cussing at drivers, my looking at people and thinking bad things, my sitting at home stewing about something instead of thinking positively, my bad chatter about myself.  Eventually whats in my mind will come out of my mouth-  Anyone see that happen!!?  I think if I practice, practice practice, I can change this. When I catch myself doing it I can instantly change my thought and maybe I'll have the mind of the wise and words like honey.

LUV YA*******