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Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Honeyed Words

And again the Bible a cazillion year old book reinforces what  The Secret, The Laws of Attraction, all that "new" stuff is trying to say.

 The mind of the wise
makes their speech insightful
and enhances the teaching of their lips.

Pleasant words are flowing honey,
sweet to the taste
and healing to the bones. 

Proverbs 16:23-24


Thoughts and words are connected. Don't try and 'fake' on the outside what isn't real inside. This is the hardest part.  My cussing at drivers, my looking at people and thinking bad things, my sitting at home stewing about something instead of thinking positively, my bad chatter about myself.  Eventually whats in my mind will come out of my mouth-  Anyone see that happen!!?  I think if I practice, practice practice, I can change this. When I catch myself doing it I can instantly change my thought and maybe I'll have the mind of the wise and words like honey.

LUV YA*******

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