Now I know you need the dark
just as much as the sun
I said to myself (or maybe out loud), "You talking to me? Trying to tell me something? I hear you, but really?" Cause I'm going through a little dark right now and I don't know if I like this concept.
But....that got me thinking. I think we've all heard things like, you need the rain to appreciate the sunshine, or you need some bad to appreciate the good. I assume the JJ lyrics above are in line with that thinking. Except that he uses the words "just as much" which to me changes it up. Does someone's good have to be offset by just as much bad? Is that an unwritten law of the universe. If I looked hard enough would I find something about this in the Bible? Maybe a reader could help me with this.
But let's look at this this another way. If someone lived in their version of what paradise is, would they eventually not appreciate it unless there was bad also? Get bored, take everything for granted? I wonder.
I do know that I believe we can get through the "dark" if we appreciate and are grateful for the sun (light, good) when we have it. And if we can practice, and it's not always easy -say it with me now-
Even if where we're going is out of the dark to the light.
Love ya,
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