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Monday, July 8, 2013

Rain rain go away- well maybe.

Wow! We have had days and days of rain. And complaining about the rain and the rain spoiled our Fourth
of July celebrations, and mushrooms were growing where they don't usually grow. (which was actually kinda cool) Then finally- THE SUN comes out. Bright and ..... hot.

In the early morning, seeing the sun when I woke up and feeling it on my face as I read the paper on the deck was something to sing about, so I did- "sunshine on my shoulder makes me happy, sunshine in my eyes can make me cry". (Is that how it goes?)  Anyway. By late afternoon- I uttered my first complaint about the sun. Sigh. Not the sun so much but the heat from the sun. As soon as the words flowed out of my mouth I realized. Can I go a whole day without complaining about something?  Or maybe just small talk, you know something to comment on.  I did suck my words back quickly with a "well not that I'm complaining."  But too late. I clearly was/did.  Of course I was glad it had stopped raining.  I don't know. I wasn't the only one I heard complaining- but I'm only in charge of me.  And I was really aggravated at myself. I think complaining has just become a way of communicating for most of us. hummm
I gonna work on that. Wanna join me?

The Beatles said it well
- If the rain comes they run and hide their heads
They might as well be dead
If the rain comes, if the rain comes

When the sun shines they slip into the shade
And drink their lemonade
When the sun shines, when the sun shines

Can you hear me, that when it rains and shines
It's just a state of mind?
Can you hear me, can you hear me

Can ya hear me now?  Love ya

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