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Tuesday, August 21, 2012


Faith makes us sure of what we hope for and 

gives us proof of what we cannot see.


Hebrews 11:1

Faith is the opposite of dread. Faith allows us to look forward to the future, to the day ahead when we wake up. Dread is a buzz kill.

Practice faith, hopefulness, joy. Know in your heart that God/the universe is working in your favor and has the perfect plan for you.

If you can't swallow that- than you can at least acknowledge that faith and joy are much better than dread.  So do, read, say whatever it is you have to in order to not have dread.  

Our thoughts and prayers are with a dear friend today as she has her surgery to wipe out the cancer in her body. I (we all) have faith that they will get it all and she will be fine.  We know they will and so readers send positive vibes of that same thought and faith. 

Love you, 

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