I know that I probably repeat ideas in my post. But I really just write what comes to me either physically via TV, Web, something someone says, etc or there is something I am wrestling with myself, or something pops to mind.
I say that because I feel I've written something likes before, but in different words maybe. Today, I was thinking about the people we associate with or come into contact with on a regular basis. We have a choice of being with positive, happy, affirming people and that's who we usually spend most of our time with. Because why would we do otherwise. But sometimes there is that one person you know is gonna say something, purposely or not, that will bring ya down. A comment, a look, or just an overall attitude that does not affirm the best in us. Not that someone should have to work to build another person up, but if more than once we go away from them feeling uneasy-with a feeling that is not affirming what you want to feel about yourself, than perhaps that person should be weeded out. And if that is not possible, if it is someone we work with, see at most functions, family, etc, than we should do our personal armor work.

This can be done by being mentally prepared- you know "what you say is just like glue, it bounces off of me and sticks to you. ha ha ha ha ha ha. Or actually physically prepare- I've done this before meetings with people I don't like or who make me uncomfortable. I bend down to my toes, and do a zipping action all the up over my head, take a deep breath and mentally KNOW I cannot be hurt. It has worked. I so wish I knew some of these things a long time ago.
Anyway, if you practice the "Law of Attraction" or the power of positive thinking at all, you know that listening to but, more importantly taking in, negative comments or actions can attract more negativity. According to the laws of attraction- "When you spend time with those who appreciate you, it stimulates your own thoughts of appreciation. When you spent time with those who only see your flaws then those flaws become your point of attraction". Like it or not it is human nature to dwell more on something bad then on the good. It is a scientific fact.
I'm not talking about the occasional constructive criticism. I want to know if I'm breaking the laws of Perpetual Coolness, (inside joke) or behaving in a way that is not in integrity.
Luv ya,
Hey if what write is sometimes confusing- I know my thoughts sometimes are all over the place- leave a comment, start a dialogue and we'll discuss.
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