As we go through our days we usually rush from one errand or project to another often without much thought. At least that is true for me. The obvious problem of living our life this way is not being in the moment. I do try to practice what I preach in this blog, but if you remember, my intro to this blog explains that this isn't always the case and I want Allison and Nick to begin now not later to practice the laws of the universe.
My biggest problem--that I recognized anyway-- is PATIENCE. And lack of patience does not allow much in the way of "living in the moment". Sometimes I am lucky enough to get a gentle reminder from my guardian angels and I actually do something right. ;-)
My lovely but sometimes clumsy mother ;-) cut her hand yesterday which required a trip to the emergency room at 10:30 am. It is 2:30-yes t-w-o thirty o'clock! and we are finally stitched up and allowed to leave the hospital. As an out-patient we can get a stamp for free parking. I go where they tell me to go, the front welcoming desk---no one there at the desk to be welcoming. OMG!@!! (me no longer being patient). I see registration desks lined up behind some doors and I walk over to one. The girl sitting there looks up at me as if to say "One step closer and I'll kill you". Maybe I had the same look on my face at this point. I don't know. But I also noticed a sadness of sorts in her face. (me-being in the moment for once) I don't know whats she's been through today, last night, her whole life.

Now I wasn't around to see if she kept her "good mood" but I like to think she did at least a little. I know I was reminded of a lesson. BEING KIND Usually WORKS. It is my job to remember this more often.
Offer a kind word, or just a smile today- everyday. Karma
Luv ya,
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