Patience- I've never met a more patient person- except when he was impatient at my impatience. I promised him I would try to do better and I think I have some.
The futility of anger- He had a few things and a few people to be angry about. But he just never really was. When I asked him about it or got angry for him he just asked me what good anger would do? Were those horrid feelings going to change anything? A few times he told me to lay off the coffee :-)
Slow down-Now I don't know when he learned this one himself, because years ago he whipped me around New York City at break neck speed. But he did learn and I promised him I'd work on this one too.
Things will work out- I would think he was being less than sensible at times- but he seemed to feel that there was always tomorrow to fix things- ya gotta live for today- go for it - Life's too short- things will work out.
Learn to be a survivor- just start over if you have to.
He knew that people have value- loved the way he treated the car service driver.... and others.
And a biggie- that we all (I ) can be and should be loved.
Rest in Peace Roland.