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Saturday, March 31, 2012


There is a saying that everyone comes into our lives for a reason. (to be discussed in a later post) But also that everyone we come in contact with has something to teach us. From the most brilliant people you meet to the checkout folks at the grocery store, the servers at our restaurants, etc. (to be discussed in this post) Even if its only- "OMG I never want to see that person again!" (lol) You've at least reinforced what you don't like and what you don't want in yourself. Its not always evident at first but if we step back and look we usually can find something. If course the people that we're closest to have the better opportunity.  I have been given the gift of time to learn from a dear friend, Roland. Ours was a very reciprocal "student/teacher" relationship. I will admit that at first I thought I had a lot to teach him, but I've listed a few of the things that he was actually teaching me. 

Patience- I've never met a more patient person- except when he was impatient at my impatience. I promised him I would try to do better and I think I have some.
The futility of anger- He had a few things and a few people to be angry about. But he just never really was. When I asked him about it or got angry for him he just asked me what good anger would do? Were those horrid feelings going to change anything? A few times he told me to lay off the coffee :-)
Slow down-Now I don't know when he learned this one himself, because years ago he whipped me around New York City at break neck speed. But he did learn and I promised him I'd work on this one too.
Things will work out- I would think he was being less than sensible at times- but he seemed to feel that there was always tomorrow to fix things- ya gotta live for today- go for it - Life's too short- things will work out.
Learn to be a survivor- just start over if you have to.
He knew that people have value- loved the way he treated the car service driver.... and others.
And a biggie- that we all (I ) can be and should be loved.

Rest in Peace Roland.

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