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Monday, April 30, 2012

Control Your Thoughts

You can control your thoughts. You can eliminate negative thinking.  It takes practice, practice practice. Why am I writing this again?  Because.....

Your thoughts become your reality. 

It is worth repeating and repeating.

Example. When I do something wrong- take a wrong turn, leave the house late, forget my phone, lose my keys- instead of saying my normal "I am so stupid" I can change that to "I am so stuuuuupendous". 

As soon as you realize you said/thought it change the thought. "I will never get a job" -to "I am working a job I love and am well paid"

Always in the present tense. As if you already are/have what you want. 

 It really does take practice because our minds just go there- BUT WE CAN CHANGE THAT TENDENCY

Even thoughts about others in your life- if you constantly complain about a loved one or friend or enemy either in your head or out loud you are putting those negative thoughts into action. Husbands and wives only make matters worse if they continuously complain about each other to others. Parents need to talk about their children in a positive manner.  We need to talk about ourselves in a positive manner.  Sure sometimes you need to vent to someone- do so then let it go.

 But I am really writing here about the continuous negative thoughts that spring up in the course of a day- change them to a positive. 

Luv ya, 

Thursday, April 26, 2012


I have heard this so many times- trying to take it heart myself.

I am exactly where I am supposed to be doing what I am doing at this time in my life.  In the whole universe, of all things. 

I still have a lesson to learn to move to my next "adventure" or there is some reason for my being right here, right now.

The intricacies of life- big sigh- gotta love it.

Luv ya.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Dreams or Greed

I keep reading and hearing things about being content, so I keep writing about it. Saying it in different ways.
I saw a short video yesterday about the human need for more- always more.  This video made it out to be a bad thing, greed. I know that being too greedy is a bad thing, but I believe the human spirit thrives on dreams. Dreams for things we want, dreams for how we would like our lives to be. Dreams for our children. According to Mike Dooley-

"Not having all you want is one of life's constants".

One dream comes true and we're off chasing another.  Is there a fine line between wants/dreams and greed? (I'll have to study on this a bit more and get back to you)  I guess expecting too much can be considered greedy and not being grateful for what you have at this moment could signify greed. But I do know that another of life's constants should be joy. Another topic, I've covered.  Being joyful (happy, content) while you don't have all you want.  Please learn that now!!  My fear is you will keep saying, I'll be content/happy when.....fill in the blank.....Then 20 years have gone by and you can't remember really allowing yourself to live- to be happy.   Mike says-"Desire is a beautiful thing!"  As long as we don't make ourselves and those around us miserable from too much desire. ( You've seen all the movies with this theme, Scrooge:-).

Hoping you catch your dreams and fulfill your desires.   Luv ya!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Difficult people 2-Grin n bear it.

This is a hard one too- but when you encounter difficult people, particularly on an ongoing basis- someone you work with, have to see in a class or social situation- if you can, think of it this way- this person is there to help you practice- patience, ignoring, keeping your mouth shut, staying calm, etc.   The more you encounter them the better you will get.  So say a mantra of gratefulness for this person.

I am grateful- name here- is in my life.  This person makes me feel even more grateful for other people in my life.   Sending such positive thoughts toward these people may help to smooth out their rough edges.

Try it- heaven knows I've had to do this- and it really, really worked in one case. I actually feel a kinship with this person- I still find him to be difficult but I can inwardly smile. In another case I didn't do this- I acknowledge that now and I see the damage it did. I don't see this person anymore but if I did I would be a different person around them.

Please- give me some examples of this in your life.

Luv ya.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Difficult People 1

"The next time you encounter brusqueness or rudeness, respond with a gentle and kind act"

 ......or a kind word or smile or with a word of understanding -  it really messes with people :-)   No really- try it- sometimes the person's mood immediately shifts, sometimes they are so confused they huff more before they calm down and it usually makes you feel much better too.  (sometimes it's just funny)   

Luv ya,

Thursday, April 19, 2012


John Hopkins determined from a study that just 2 hours of volunteer work a week will positively affect our moods and our lives and helps to eliminate depression and anxiety.

You know, even if we are not affected personally- it's just a good thing to do.  Give back. There are so many ways. As little as giving your paper and can recyclables to a non-profit to turn in for money, giving blood (yuck-but still :-), joining a walk for a cause, giving to a food bank- to the really big things; reading to kids, visiting the elderly, helping with an event. 

There was a time when I just really did too much. Taught Sunday school at church, helped with a yearly cancer program, on the board and program chair in 2 organizations, and miscellaneous other events when asked.  I got burned out- but still I can say I never felt so alive and active. And now I know I need to do something. I feel a void in that area- it really does make you feel good- needed.

And hey- if in your volunteer activity you happen to meet someone that can do something for you or you meet someone you can add to your network of friends and/or acquaintances-  if you get back for giving back - that is icing on the cake.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Its a Beautiful Morning

I was singing this song this morning without really realizing it.  You know how that is. Then I said to myself- "What am I singing?"  Once I realized what it was I was compelled to look up the lyrics and here they are- I though they were perfect for my blog this morning.

Like the 60s feel for a 60s song?
It's a beautiful mornin', ah
I think I'll go outside a while
And just smile
Just take in some clean fresh air, boy!
Ain't no sense in stayin' inside
If the weather's fine, and you got the time
It's your chance to wake up and plan another brand new day
Either way
It's a beautiful mornin', ah
Each bird keeps singin' his own song
So long!
I've got to be on my way now
Ain't no fun just hangin' around
I've got to cover ground; you couldn't keep me down
It just ain't no good if the sun shines
When you're still inside
Shouldn't hide, still inside, shouldn't hide
Ah, oh! (Shouldn't hide) Ah, ah, oh

(Doo, doo-wa) (Doo, doo-wa)

There will be children with robins and flowers

Sunshine caresses each new waking hour
Seems to me that the people keep seeing
More and more each day; gotta say, lead the way
It's okay, Wednesday, Thursday, it's okay
(Ah) Monday, Wednesday, Friday, weekday, ah, ah, oh

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The AWE of life.

Life is a mystery to be lived, 
not a problem to be solved.
Bumper Sticker :)

This is so good.  I know I have spent many years making everything a problem. (and still do sometimes) to the point that I don't enjoy the process. I thinks this is similar to "Enjoy where you are on the way to where you're going" and "don't sweat the small stuff".  

While in Bernheim Forest this weekend, I remembered going there when Nick was maybe 3, Alli 13 and when Nick got out of the car near a field that led to a lake, he was so thrilled. He opened his eyes wide, made oh and ah sounds, just smiled and took off running toward the lake. I'll never be sure of why he was so in awe, but if we can just keep a bit of that feeling about life- that mystery of discovery. Wouldn't that be nice. Then we climbed a tree- Alli took Nick up as far as she felt safe and they just beamed. Big Sigh- let's do that again.

Luv ya  

Monday, April 16, 2012

Show me a sign.

Wish it were this easy.
Dear Nick Ali and friends-  have you ever asked the Universe-  "Show me a sign!! You know- show me what to do or show me that this is the right thing to do. Then you hoped that thunder would roar or the phone would ring with just the answer you needed, or something. You know I think it does happens that way sometimes, I really do.

But more often we aren't really given that big sign or we are given a sign that is much more subtle.
Usual more ethereal like this

That sign is usually your inner gut feeling or the monkey chatter even, telling you to go ahead or you probably shouldn't- or maybe it's something someone else said that you recall now.  Or you call a friend or family member and they have advice, or you read something, come across something- comes in many ways.

I believe if you truly ask for help for a decision from the universe you will get it in some way if you listen (and feel) for it.

Love ya.

Friday, April 13, 2012


I wasn't gonna write today but I came across this and said "humm this I like- I will share".

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Breathe Appreciation

Be a ray of sunshine to everyone you meet, 
and make their day better for having seen you. 
Say "Thank you" at every turn. 
Walk, talk, think, and breathe appreciation and gratitude.
When you do this, your outer life will change to reflect your inner state of being.
From "The Secret

Breath appreciation.  I like thatAlso to be a ray of sunshine might sound syrupy and who ha, but you can be sunshine by being funny, cool, just overall excited to be there, or just not moody or nasty.
   Luv ya

Friday, April 6, 2012

Life is Short

This is the continuation of the Life Application reading for March 25th

Life is short no matter how long we live. If there is something important we want to do, we must not put it off for a better day. Ask yourself, "If I had only six months to live, what would I do?" Tell someone that you love him or her? Deal with an undisciplined area in your life? Tell someone about Jesus? Because life is short, don't neglect what is truly important.

The obvious message - call your parents and grandparents :-),  make sure people know you love them, take care of business, etc. 

A story- You hear of cases all the time of someone who had passed doing something unusual or interesting, or having discussions with people etc,  before they did.  Dad seemed to have spoken to as many people as he could the week before he passed- unusual conversations and lunches and hugs and touches that were out of character.  Roland made peace with someone that was very important to him. He gave me 3 gifts that he was saving to give throughout the year.  What prompted that?

My friend Diane explained that this is such proof that our soul continues on. That it knows more than our personality- what we are in this body or shell for the soul. Like a hermit crab the hope is that we grow and move to a bigger and better shell. And only those who have passed know what that means- really.  But I digress as usual. Diane said that she feels our souls sometimes know our path even if our personality doesn't - that our earthly journey will be ending.

I think if you look back you may see this in many cases. With John - who I feel was spiritually evolved- his entire last few years were a build up to his death. The way he greeted people and said goodbye to people and just his overall attitude.

Something to think about. Come to your own conclusions.
It is wonderful that Roland had his very important conversation- that Dad held my hand and the other things that happened- but what time was wasted being angry - not saying what we feel- etc.  
Because life is short, don't neglect what is truly important

Luv ya. 

Plans? What plans?

A bit long but bear with me.
I want to share this because it is really good- again coincidence!?? I think not. When  Roland was still in a coma we would all talk to him as if he could hear us because we were told that in his particular state he could. I was so excited one morning- Sunday actually-when the Joyce Meyer Daily popped up on my iPAd. I told Roland a message was sent for him ( and for me) and I read it to him realizing that not going as planned was an understatement in his case- but still it was a perfect message for the day.

When Life Doesn't Go According to Plan
The apostle Paul tells us in Romans 8:28 that all things work together for good. Notice Paul doesn't say that all things are good, but that all things work together for good.
Paul also tells us in Romans 12:16 to "readily adjust yourself to [people, things]." The idea is that we must learn to become the kind of person who plans things but who doesn't fall apart if that plan doesn't work out.
Let's say you get in your car and it won't start. There are two ways you can look at the situation.
You can think, "I knew it! My plans always flop."

Or you can tell yourself, "Well, I can't leave home right now, but that's ok. I believe this change in plans is going to work out for my good. God is in control."
Allow God to be the glory and lifter of your head (see Psalm 3:3). He wants to lift everything: your hopes, attitudes, moods, head, hands, heart, your entire life. Remember, even when life doesn't go according to plan, He is good.

The Life Application daily reading was this one-  This will take your breath away- as it did mine.
“LORD, remind me how brief my time on earth will be.
Remind me that my days are numbered—
how fleeting my life is

There was more but you understand.  

This was the morning Sunday, March 25th, that Roland opened his eyes. About 15 minutes after I read this.  

Chills, right-  Love you

Thursday, April 5, 2012


Another affirmation to repeat- or better still type it up and tape it to your morning mirror. 

It's clear to me that I have nothing to gain from a 'glass-half-empty' mindset. Even in impossible situations, I know that the universe will provide ( I know that God is there). I choose to see the positive side of things as I live in a glorious world.
Questioning why isn't a bad thing or as they say looking for the silver lining in a bad situation or the calm at the end of the storm- because as you are looking for the silver lining and questioning (not in an angry and accusing way, please) you are choosing to find, to see, the positive side of things. 

Luv you.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012


Remember to be thankful everyday.  Before you get out of bed- Thank you for this mattress, thank you for this roof over my head, thank you that I woke up healthy this morning, etc. Good for the soul, good for the heart.

Luv you.

Monday, April 2, 2012


I looked up these words, Faith, Hope Peace, for both definition and images.  Here is what I found. I chose the first image that showed up.
             Faith is confidence or trust in a person or entity.


Hope is the feeling that what is wanted can be had or that events will turn out for the best.

 Peace is a state of balance and understanding in  yourself and between others- the absence of turmoil.             

Just nice thoughts and images for the day. Love you.