Your thoughts become your reality.
It is worth repeating and repeating.
Example. When I do something wrong- take a wrong turn, leave the house late, forget my phone, lose my keys- instead of saying my normal "I am so stupid" I can change that to "I am so stuuuuupendous".
As soon as you realize you said/thought it change the thought. "I will never get a job" -to "I am working a job I love and am well paid"
Always in the present tense. As if you already are/have what you want.
It really does take practice because our minds just go there- BUT WE CAN CHANGE THAT TENDENCY
Even thoughts about others in your life- if you constantly complain about a loved one or friend or enemy either in your head or out loud you are putting those negative thoughts into action. Husbands and wives only make matters worse if they continuously complain about each other to others. Parents need to talk about their children in a positive manner. We need to talk about ourselves in a positive manner. Sure sometimes you need to vent to someone- do so then let it go.
But I am really writing here about the continuous negative thoughts that spring up in the course of a day- change them to a positive.

But I am really writing here about the continuous negative thoughts that spring up in the course of a day- change them to a positive.
Luv ya,