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Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Who am I?

Oops- I skipped a of couple days. I hope you went back and and read a 
posting. After all this blog is meant to reinforce positive thinking and push out the "stinkin thinkin" with power thoughts.  I got the message below this morning from Dooley's Messages from the Universe. Thought I'd share it today.

I am good enough, worthy enough, 
and lovable enough. 
I am exactly the right kind of person, 
in the right place, at the right time. 

Otherwise I wouldn't have been instilled with my dreams in the first place.

Luv ya

Sunday, February 26, 2012


Cartoon - Who am I?
You are you and you are important.
I Am Alive, Vital and Important                                                                                                                                 

Just takes a minute to say it. Maybe say it seven times. Real quick if you want. Say it and believe. 

Love you!!  Happy Sunday 

Saturday, February 25, 2012


Yep- As we all know the sun will come out- maybe not tomorrow as Annie sings but it will come out. Take a moment occasionally to just let it shine on your face and say thank you.  (I know Nick a goofy thing for a guy to do- but do it secretly :-)   But this is also a metaphor for life, you know.

Gotta run and play in the sun-  Luv Ya.

Friday, February 24, 2012


Dear Nick & Alli & friends- it's raining. My plans are ruined and I'm in a bit of a funk.  My message today is this- go out and get a little wet. Sometimes the feeling of rain is okay. I like the way it feels on my face. Rain, pain, disappointment is sometimes something we just have to get through for the end good.  Wallow in it, "enjoy" it. You know the sun's gonna shine again soon.   Just listening to a cool song by The Go-Betweens (Mrs. Morgan)  the chorus- "She never wanted to feel the rain"

Without the rain we would lose appreciation for the sunshine.

By the way- I have new and better plans for the day. :-)

Luv Ya

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Another affirmation to use in your "life" list or to say throughout the day or before you get out of bed in the morning. 

 I now do work I love and I am well paid for it.

Remember, saying and thinking affirmations are based in the "thoughts become things" principle. If you haven't written them down to have and to repeat- go back through the blogs and find the ones that speak to you that so you'll have them on hand.  Just the act of reading them, writing them with feeling and thought will begin the process. Or make up your own depending on your need for that day.

Luv ya

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Boomerang (or that damn/blessed Karma)

Our life is like a Boomerang
We get what we give (eventually)
You get the picture (no pun intended)

Love you!
P.S. I can't believe I keep finding these cool things to share. I knew I was gonna use the quote, then boom there was this cartoon. These "coincidences" convince me that writing this blog is still the right thing to do.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

A Shortcut

Nick, Alli & Friends- Don't have time to write or "feel" 10 things you're thankful for today?  Maybe feeling a bit redundant.  Say and FEEL (very important) "Thank You" seven times. (from The Secret Scrolls)

Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, Thank You

You know the number seven has huge significance in the Universe.  By the way- do take the time occasionally though, to really point out the things you are grateful for and why.

Love ya

Monday, February 20, 2012

Battlefield in your Mind

Romans 12:2 says to "let God transform you, by changing the way you think."

There are so many books and sites from which to get inspiration.  The Bible has gotten a bad rep, I think because, so many people use it to cram their particular ideals down our throats.  The Bible reveals so many things about human nature, how we live and how to live a better life. So much of the "new age" writings correlate to writings in the Bible.  The truths about our universe are the truths whichever way it is stated.

Romans 12:2 speaks to the "battlefield in our minds" (from Joyce Meyer- love her), the negative thoughts and chatter we can walk around with and brood on. I'm not good enough, I'm miserable, I'm not accomplishing, I'm fat, stupid, people are stupid, my boss is a pain,  etc.  It can be a constant battle. Change that thinking as soon as you recognize it. Go into gratitude, (what are you thankful for today) say the lords prayer or other prayer, chant a positive thought- I am loved, I am alive on this beautiful earth, I'm a rock god, (lol).  Ask the universe to help you change the way you think.  It takes practice, but eventually you will be able to do it without much effort.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

To Believe

Dear Nick & Alli- This is a test (lol)  I think that this is the video that first brought attention to Jackie Evancho. Like her or not if this video does not touch you in some way; in the pit of your stomach, tears, throat well- we have some work to do.   If not just her voice, then the music or the lyrics.
Sometimes when our spirit is in "trouble" just turning attention away from ourselves and helping someone else makes a huge difference.      Luv ya

PS- Nick, men- it doesn't make you a wimp, or someone who is  too sensitive if you are affected by music, or other things around you- it makes you human- a human with a wonderful spirit and heart.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Thought For The Day

Life Is a Miracle
The miracle is not to walk on burning coals 
or in the thin air or on the water; 
the miracle is just to walk on earth. You breathe in. 
You become aware of the fact that you are alive. 
You are still alive and you are walking on this beautiful planet.
The greatest of all miracles is to be alive.
                                     Zen Master Ling Chi

Nice huh? Alive and walking on this beautiful Planet. Take a minute sometime today- to breathe in deeply, look around and say thank you. 

Luv ya

Thursday, February 16, 2012


Prayer is talking to God/The Universe
Meditation is listening to what God/The universe has to say

Prayer is asking, thanking- your conversation. Very important. But have you ever had a one-sided conversation where you were the only one who spoke? (well....maybe- but that ain't good)  Meditation is allowing the other person, God, your angels, the energy to speak. I sometimes start my meditation with a prayer then go into the meditative process.  I don't think you have to meditate or listen after every prayer. I think that throughout the day you might get some "conversation" when you're still or quiet. That chatter I talk about.               Love ya,

PS- A quick story- Have you ever been behind a car that slows down at a green light as if they're hoping or afraid it will turn red. (usually an elderly person) It does, then you  turn red with anger cause you have to wait. Someone once told me to not get angry because maybe that person needed a minute to be still- to meditate just for that short period and that I could take that time too.  Hummm - there's usually  another  way to look at things.    Luv Ya                                                                

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

The Optimists Creed

Dear Nick, Alli & Friends- Below is a link to a really nice concept, borrowed from The Secret. Something to strive for.  If we read it occasionally I believe some of it will sink in and become part of our everyday lives; create more joy.

The Optimist's Creed

This is saved on my computer and this morning I was cleaning off the desktop and there it was. "PERFECT", I said.  I needed to read it again myself (really needed to read it!) Save it to your computer and go back again and again to read it.  Can't hurt- might push some stinkin thinkin out just when you need to.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentines Gratitude

I've never cared for Valentine's Day.  Too much pressure to show love that should have been shown all year. If you love someone- actually all the people in your life- act to them as if it's Valentines day every day. Gifts and cards occasionally for no reason, an extra "I love you", the warm feeling, the gratitude. (something we all need to do more of in this hectic life of ours)

On this Valentine's day- take a moment to be grateful for all the loved ones in your life. Add one sentence that explains why.  Example, I am so grateful to have Alli & Nick in my life, thank you. They make me smile and laugh and really feel in my soul, ways that I never would have without them. Children are the definition of unconditional love.  Thank you for my family, my cat, etc.

V day wisdom. Click this link.

Much love on this Valentine's Day.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Morning message.

“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.”—Winston Churchill

Stole this from a friend.   I like it's message very much.

Luv ya,

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Will We Ever Learn

Dear Nick & Alli-  Upon hearing about Whitney Houston's death, I immediately thought of Michael Jackson, then others closer to us (to remain nameless) who have experimented with drugs and gotten in trouble. It starts out so innocently and spirals out of control.   Such talented, beautiful people .......both the celebs and our friends.
       It's hard to understand why some people get caught up/addicted and others don't.  Especially when you know they are really good people inside.  I came across this quote by MJ.
I believe in wishes and in a person’s ability to make a wish come true. 
And a wish is more than a wish,
It’s something your conscious and subconscious can help to make a reality.                             Michael Jackson 
He certainly obtained his dreams- and from this quote he seems to understand the laws of energy. But what good is it without inner tranquility and passion for life and an understanding of how to face our challenges. Had he taken his own advice, turned inward and to the universe instead of drugs..........
Just Sayin!    Luv ya.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Listen To Your Heart

Waking Up to the Life We Have

Have the life you want by being fully present to the life you have.

- Mark Nepo -   


Mark Nepo is a New York Times bestselling author, poet and his latest book The Book of Awakenings is currently #12 on the New York Times Bestsellers list. In 2010 Oprah Winfrey featured The Book of Awakenings on her Ultimate Favorite Things show.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Wise words

Dear Alli & Nick-  I am in awe and envy of you both because you instinctively understand this. You are living in a time where the youth see how the previous generation has suffered by chasing the dollar. Continue to follow your own path without guilt. You will be a success. Live in and enjoy the present as much as possible.   Luv you.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Another Pick Me Up Thought

Dear Alli & Nick -   Such a simple way to improved our energy level-  Drink Water- We do not drink enough water. When we become dehydrated even a little bit our energy level sinks and we become moody.
Some of the good things water does:

Relieves Fatigue.
Good Mood: Your body feels very good and that’s why you feel happy.
Natural Remedy for Headache
Look Younger with Healthier Skin
Better Productivity at Work.
Better Exercise:. Water also helps to fuel your muscle.
Helps in Digestion and Constipation
Less Cramps and Sprains
Less Likely to Get Sick
Reduce the Risk of Cancer

  Take time for deep breathing and drink that water! 

Luv ya!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Easy & Instant Pick Me Ups

Did you know that most people do not breath correctly or deeply enough?  Deep breathing is an instant pick-me-up and has so many benefits. Some say deep breathing can assist weight lose.
Detoxifies and Releases Toxins    
Relieves Pain
Releases Tension                         
Massages Your Organs 
Relieves Emotional Problems       
Makes the Heart Stronger.     
Increases Muscle                        
Assists in Weight Control 
Relaxes the Mind/Body and Brings Clarity 
Boosts Energy levels and Improves Stamina
Improves Cellular Regeneration
Strengthens the Immune System & Improves the Nervous System
Increases Digestion and Assimilation of food  

AND VERY IMPORTANT------ Breathing Elevates Moods
Breathing increase pleasure-inducing neurochemicals in the brain to elevate moods and combat physical pain.

For a more in-depth explanation go to.18-benefits-of-deep-breathing & how to do it

SO BREATH!  There's always time to do that- in the car, at work, standing in line, etc. So simple. 

Luv ya

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Your Passion

Dear Alli and friends- In an earlier post I talked about your passion.  Finding it and then going for it. I'll be the first to admit that some people never find it or if they do, are too scared to go for it.  But this link below has some good suggestions.

Nick I left you out of this one because you surely know your passion- go back and read "Just do it" and "Affirmations" please.

The world IS your oyster.

Luv ya!

Monday, February 6, 2012


Dear Nick and Alli and friends-  I am amazed how the Universe keeps giving me things to write about. Inspiring me.  I had something already planned for today's post but received something else that I wanted to share instead.  Then something else happened so I'm sharing that instead.  I have at least 3 days of Inspiration now that I'm dying to post. Someone really wants me to get these messages to you, cause they keep either coming to me in or in my mail box or in the everyday things happening in my life.  -

   I found a dime yesterday, again in an unusual way. I had been in and out of my car several times yesterday but when I made my last stop and got out of the car, there lying in my seat was a bright shiny dime. Where had it been the rest of the day?  In dad's hands that's where!  I said "Ooooh, hi dad". Then like a flash all these things came into my head. It's Superbowl Sunday- he loved Super Bowl. I felt like he wanted me to tell everyone hi." "Have fun", "Be safe". I envisioned him smiling. I didn't know who he would be pulling for, but I was leaning toward the Giants.
   When I got home, I was prodded to tell Nick that Dad said hi and at the risk of being thought crazy, I told him. Nick simply said he would be pulling for the Giants, of course and walked down stairs shaking his head at my revelation, but smiling.
  I saw Madonna and almost instantly was being prodded to tell her Dad said hi. I was reluctant, but did tell her I found a dime. Hope she passed it on to Allen. Then on the way home, Cathy came into my head, so I called her and told her. Hope she passed it to her family.

   Is our "chatter" just idle thought?  I believe that intuition and chatter are sometimes messages from God and the angels, our loved ones. Most people don't train themselves to listen. For this "message from Dad" to keep popping into my head cannot be a coincidence.  Again, I was just the lucky one today.

Nick and Alli- keep tuned into the idle chatter in your head and to your intuition for any messages that might be trying to get through.    Luv ya.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Inspiring Songs

Alli & Nick- I'm borrowing today. Sometimes songs say everything that needs to be said. Turn it up and enjoy.
 "No matter how bad your day may be, there is always something beautiful happening. This song reminds us that every day is a beautiful day by itself".  

There's a line that says "What you don't have you don't need it now". I translate to mean- don't be unhappy about it today- but do what needs to be done to get it- BE HAPPY ON THE WAY TO WHERE YOU'RE GOING.

"It’s all about personal empowerment, taking control of your life and being who you are because you only get to live once. As one of the lyrics say, “It’s my life… It’s now or never”."
Stop waiting for a tomorrow or the next time or when everything is perfect.  It’s now.

Luv Ya!

Friday, February 3, 2012


Dear Nick & Alli- I cannot stress enough how good meditation is for the mind, body and soul. I am proof to myself. When I practice every day or even a few times a week, I cannot explain how much better my life is, nor can I explain why. It just is!  Unfortunately, I let "stuff" get in the way and I don't do it like I should.   I know I said there are no shoulds, but this is an exception to the rule. I should do this.
You don't have to sit in a room with your legs crossed, hands in prayer or burn candles or anything specific, but you can if you want. Just find a quiet place, do sit up straight to open your chakras and try to quieten your mind.

I love how topics keep popping up in my mail box. Below is a link to a page that came to me in the Daily Good e-mail I get. It is a bit long- but take some time to at least skim it. This is written by a converted meditation skeptic

An excerpt from the piece that might help you get started:

The actual practice of meditation includes sitting silently with proper positioning and focusing your attention. This book directed me to focus my attention on breath. (mindful breathing- there are other types of meditation, such as guided) Anytime a thought or emotion would come up that was not breath, I would recognize that I was thinking or feeling something else and then return my mind back to breath. It was hard for me to believe that something this simple would help me, but I was determined to try it.
Love you!!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

A Poem

The path not defined
only whispered
only the fortunate discover
their angels
they can sit on your shoulder
talk to you quietly
or only nod at good behavior
or wide eyed at something 
not quite right

we can only accept love 
and give love
the angels do not judge
they see the good 
and the foolish.
Respect the heart
do not let the brain get in the way
trust, faith, 
letting go to the good
what else do we have

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Bad Days Happen

Dear loved ones (that would be everyone I know) - A new affirmation or prayer- "Father, thank You for making Your home in my heart. I need Your presence today, Lord. Help me to honor You with my thoughts and my words and to be a blessing to those around me."

The story-(you knew there'd be one. Right? :-)  I was having a bad day yesterday, an angry day. Obviously not taking my own advice, as a friend quickly pointed out.  Actually his words were "GO READ YOUR BLOG". I was not honoring God, the universe or myself with my thoughts and words and I was definitely not a blessing. (that happens! It's human, occasionally- but to dwell is toxic- so I surf it for awhile, but I know that my angels will not be near me when I act this way. It hurts them, so then I try to get my head back where it belongs)

NOW HERE'S THE GOOD PART. The prayer above was in my e-mail this morning. That and commentary that included: "A commitment to turn from behavior that offends"  and  "When we choose to be intentional with our words, giving thanks to God and lifting up others, we'll feel connected to God all throughout the day."
Gave me goosebumps and tears- OMG- just what I needed. You'd think I would get used to these "coincidences". But I am awed and inspired still. Thank you, thank you!. (remember you have to give credit). Even if there was not a story- that is a great affirmation for the day. Substitute whatever words you need to for your beliefs if "Father & Lord" don't work for you.

Have an occasional bad moment, hour or so, everyone does- but try hard to not let it last- it is toxic- Then say I'm sorry, and thank the universe for helping to pull you out of it.
Continue to look for the coincidences in your life.