Dear Nick and Alli and friends- I am amazed how the Universe keeps giving me things to write about. Inspiring me. I had something already planned for today's post but received something else that I wanted to share instead. Then something else happened so I'm sharing that instead. I have at least 3 days of Inspiration now that I'm dying to post. Someone really wants me to get these messages to you, cause they keep either coming to me in or in my mail box or in the everyday things happening in my life. -
I found a dime yesterday, again in an unusual way. I had been in and out of my car several times yesterday but when I made my last stop and got out of the car, there lying in my seat was a bright shiny dime. Where had it been the rest of the day? In dad's hands that's where! I said "Ooooh, hi dad". Then like a flash all these things came into my head. It's Superbowl Sunday- he loved Super Bowl. I felt like he wanted me to tell everyone hi." "Have fun", "Be safe". I envisioned him smiling. I didn't know who he would be pulling for, but I was leaning toward the Giants.
When I got home, I was prodded to tell Nick that Dad said hi and at the risk of being thought crazy, I told him. Nick simply said he would be pulling for the Giants, of course and walked down stairs shaking his head at my revelation, but smiling.
I saw Madonna and almost instantly was being prodded to tell her Dad said hi. I was reluctant, but did tell her I found a dime. Hope she passed it on to Allen. Then on the way home, Cathy came into my head, so I called her and told her. Hope she passed it to her family.
Is our "chatter" just idle thought? I believe that intuition and chatter are sometimes messages from God and the angels, our loved ones. Most people don't train themselves to listen. For this "message from Dad" to keep popping into my head cannot be a coincidence. Again, I was just the lucky one today.
Nick and Alli- keep tuned into the idle chatter in your head and to your intuition for any messages that might be trying to get through. Luv ya.
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