I've never cared for Valentine's Day. Too much pressure to show love that should have been shown all year. If you love someone- actually all the people in your life- act to them as if it's Valentines day every day. Gifts and cards occasionally for no reason, an extra "I love you", the warm feeling, the gratitude. (something we all need to do more of in this hectic life of ours)
On this Valentine's day- take a moment to be grateful for all the loved ones in your life. Add one sentence that explains why. Example, I am so grateful to have Alli & Nick in my life, thank you. They make me smile and laugh and really feel in my soul, ways that I never would have without them. Children are the definition of unconditional love. Thank you for my family, my cat, etc.
V day wisdom. Click this link.
Much love on this Valentine's Day.
I agree with you Vic on the pressures of Valentines day. Never mind looking for that right card to express my feelings but all that other stuff!!!!!!