Romans 12:2 says to "let God transform you, by changing the way you think."
There are so many books and sites from which to get inspiration. The Bible has gotten a bad rep, I think because, so many people use it to cram their particular ideals down our throats. The Bible reveals so many things about human nature, how we live and how to live a better life. So much of the "new age" writings correlate to writings in the Bible. The truths about our universe are the truths whichever way it is stated.

Romans 12:2 speaks to the "battlefield in our minds" (from Joyce Meyer- love her), the negative thoughts and chatter we can walk around with and brood on.
I'm not good enough, I'm miserable, I'm not accomplishing, I'm fat, stupid, people are stupid, my boss is a pain, etc. It can be a constant battle. Change that thinking as soon as you recognize it. Go into gratitude, (what are you thankful for today) say the lords prayer or other prayer, chant a positive thought- I am loved, I am alive on this beautiful earth, I'm a rock god, (lol). Ask the universe to help you change the way you think. It takes practice, but eventually you will be able to do it without much effort.
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