Hey guys, did you ever make your treasure map? Remember the poster or list of the things you want in your life. Just a reminder!
I was in a conversation when Treasure mapping came up and they all do it,every year and swear by it. Some also burn a list of what they don't want. I did a really simple version (shown). Remember?
Ok- my ear worm for the day- I do not make these things up-
Good Morning- Disney style.
Thoughts about gratitude and attitude and keeping positive in an often negative world. Created for my favorite people, my son and my niece but open to any who may enjoy starting the day/week with a positive thought.
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Friday, June 29, 2012
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Monday, June 25, 2012
A Tale of Two Vickis :-)
Look at what I wrote yesterday! I woke up in a vile mood and it only got worse. My lawn mower quit on me the day after I "fired" my lawn guy and my outside faucet got stuck on and I had to turn off the waster to the entire house for awhile.
I felt so much better after writing it down- Lesson- write it and get it out. I've heard that from a lot of sources and it really does work. But don't send it!
So the rest of the story and today's real post. When I went to bed last night I laughed at myself and how mad I got (I threw things lol). I thought "maybe the mower not working saved my life- it was hot - maybe I would have had a stroke or heart attack". I relaxed and thought that it would all work out.
When I got up I decided to try looking at the mower again. (I did once, twice already yesterday and nothin.) I looked underneath and just followed my :instincts. It really was like I was being guided to go here, then go there and I FIXED IT!! OMG I don't know- I do think negative feelings and thoughts beget negative and having faith is good. I don't know- interesting.
Luv ya.
Will I am a bit embarrassed. Imagine my dismay when I turned on the TV yesterday and there was a commercial for Power Ball, Kentucky lottery or something and there was the Power song I had posted about the day before. So either I psychically knew the song would be coming on or I had already heard it. I'm guessing I already heard it.
And now that I think about it, finding a dime is just finding a dime. No more, no less. And isn't it true that it doesn't matter how positive you are- the shits (shitty, mean, bad people) really do win and being too nice really is a bad thing. I know people who go through life never smelling the roses or being grateful who are on top of the world- who have what they need and much more. They wake up crabby, stay crabby, never sing "Joyous" music, seldom have a kind word and they WIN WIN WIN. You can ask all you want but you probably won't receive and so what if it's another day the lord or whoever has made. What's the point of all this, right?
Oh My. Now how do you feel after reading that? Sad? A bit deflated? Concerned about me? If it affected you at all - you are not one of those that can go through life being crabby and mean. So go back and read something positive. It'll make you feel better.
I don't like feeling like what the paragraph above describes, but sometimes I do. Yuck yuck- when that happens. I have to work to follow my own advice. I like believing in Angels and singing happy songs. I want to be that person even if I'm not always a winner.
I felt so much better after writing it down- Lesson- write it and get it out. I've heard that from a lot of sources and it really does work. But don't send it!
So the rest of the story and today's real post. When I went to bed last night I laughed at myself and how mad I got (I threw things lol). I thought "maybe the mower not working saved my life- it was hot - maybe I would have had a stroke or heart attack". I relaxed and thought that it would all work out.
When I got up I decided to try looking at the mower again. (I did once, twice already yesterday and nothin.) I looked underneath and just followed my :instincts. It really was like I was being guided to go here, then go there and I FIXED IT!! OMG I don't know- I do think negative feelings and thoughts beget negative and having faith is good. I don't know- interesting.
Luv ya.
Thursday, June 21, 2012
We've Got the Power
Guys- I've said before that we have to listen and pay attention to get our messages from the universe. They can come like a smack in the face -literally a smack in the face- lol, or they can be very subtle, a book falling off a shelf, a song, etc.
So I have to think that when I wake up singing a song for no reason what so ever I am getting a message.
YES WE CAN! President Obama's campaign slogan.
Disclaimer- I don't know what the rest of the lyrics are, but I'm sure it isn't as uplifting, but the refrain is so.....
Luv ya!
So I have to think that when I wake up singing a song for no reason what so ever I am getting a message.
This mornings song- I've Got the Power as it turns out by a group called SNAP. I had to look it up because I really never knew. You know it's that 90's disco type song. When I went to You Tube I found a bonus. A hip hop remix of the Snap song. I now have 2 messages-
the remix
YES WE CAN! President Obama's campaign slogan.
Disclaimer- I don't know what the rest of the lyrics are, but I'm sure it isn't as uplifting, but the refrain is so.....
So guys- guess what YES WE CAN- because WE'VE GOT THE POWER. The power to make it happen, the power over our lives. THE POWER bom bom bom bom- We've got the power. bom bom bom. Get up, sing it loud and dance!!
Luv ya!
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Dear Nick & Alli
Sometimes you're the windshield, sometimes your the bug.
Sometimes you're the umbrella, sometimes you're the rain.
Sometimes you're the windshield, sometimes your the bug.
Sometimes you're the umbrella, sometimes you're the rain.
Sometimes you're the dog, sometimes you're hydrant
Sometimes you're the Louisville slugger, sometimes you're the ball
Sometimes you're the head, sometimes you're the birdsh.... well you get the picture.
Sometimes you get a splinter even sliding down a rainbow.
Ya gotta know happy - you gotta know glad, because you're gonna know lonely and you're gonna know bad- Mark Knopfler
I know it seems hard sometimes but remember
one thing.
Through every dark night, there's a bright day after that.
So no matter how hard it get, stick your chest out, keep ya head up.... and handle it.~ Tupac Shakur
Through every dark night, there's a bright day after that.
So no matter how hard it get, stick your chest out, keep ya head up.... and handle it.~ Tupac Shakur
It's all in how we look at the situation- stay positive and the positive will come.
Luv ya,
Monday, June 18, 2012
Be present
Dear all,
"Time passes very quickly-
be present in the moment as much as you can."
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Why does it have to be like this? |
I keep hearing about an exercise that asks you to either write a letter or give advice to your 16 year old self. The above is one I would offer. Good advice for now also.
It seems that as children we do this much better. When and why does that have to end? Oh yeah, our hectic lives! But we/I can do better at this.
Luv ya,
Friday, June 15, 2012
I do not know where these songs spring from. Once again I realized I was singing a song in my head this morning without a clue why. Especially this one? I learned this song years ago in Sunday School. It is really fun to sing and you really can't be unhappy, worried, angry, whatever, when you sing it. Here are the words wish I could give you the melody.
I've got the joy, joy joy joy down in my heart. (then everyone yells "Where'?) ha ha hah
Down in my heart, Where?
Down in my heart
I've got the joy joy joy joy down in my heart. Where?
Down in my heart to stay.
There are other verses but I can't remember them.
I'm gonna sing this while I'm jogging today. I'm gonna need it because I'm kind of tired- maybe I'll just walk but I'm still going to song this. It's an earworm now, I won't be able to help myself anyway. I could have worse earworms I guess. !
Luv ya
OH MY GOSH- you can find anything on You Tube. I found this song. Here is one I picked because it's so fun, but there are so many- some really beautiful ones.
I've got the joy, joy joy joy down in my heart. (then everyone yells "Where'?) ha ha hah
Down in my heart, Where?
Down in my heart
I've got the joy joy joy joy down in my heart. Where?
Down in my heart to stay.
There are other verses but I can't remember them.
I'm gonna sing this while I'm jogging today. I'm gonna need it because I'm kind of tired- maybe I'll just walk but I'm still going to song this. It's an earworm now, I won't be able to help myself anyway. I could have worse earworms I guess. !
Luv ya
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Are we having a nice spring? I thinks it's been a pretty good one here in Louisville- yep, Thank you

Are you enjoying the birds nesting? The birds are so active around my house and singing til really late in the night- yep, Thank you
Have you seen the spring flowers? The colorful creations of the universe, so beautiful- yep, Thank you
Have you felt a cool breeze just when you needed it.- yep, Thank you
Have you seen your first lighting bug/firefly. How amazing are they really!- yep, Thank you
Have you gotten to listen to some good music outdoors (if not outdoors, then just good music) ? I have ears that work and God made musicians- yep, Thank you
Did you laugh this past week? Feels so good to laugh- yep, Thank you

Are you enjoying the birds nesting? The birds are so active around my house and singing til really late in the night- yep, Thank you
Have you seen the spring flowers? The colorful creations of the universe, so beautiful- yep, Thank you
Have you felt a cool breeze just when you needed it.- yep, Thank you
Have you seen your first lighting bug/firefly. How amazing are they really!- yep, Thank you
Have you gotten to listen to some good music outdoors (if not outdoors, then just good music) ? I have ears that work and God made musicians- yep, Thank you
Did you laugh this past week? Feels so good to laugh- yep, Thank you
There you go- you've just finished your daily gratitude. Those endorphins are flowing.
Monday, June 11, 2012
Gut check II or Stuff, who needs it.
Nick, Alli- learn this now and you won't have to take so much time in the future clearing out your house.
Why do we all have so much stuff?
Going back from yesterday's post to shopping. Again to that feeling at the check out counter. As you wait to be served are you figgidy, nervous or talking yourself into the purchase? You know the "well it's on sale, I don't have a blue one, it's soooo cute, this would look good on the my end table (which by the way already has something if not several somethings on it). Maybe it just really is that -YOU DON'T NEED IT!!! PUT IT DOWN AND BACK AWAY!! lol
I have quite a few friends, and myself by the way, who are in a clearing out mode. I mean really clearing out their space, and it is absolutely amazing how much stuff there is. Have you seen the bumper sticker that says:
Live simply so that others can simply live.
I have to admit that I'm not sure what that means- "that others can simply live". I thought maybe wildlife.
But LIVE SIMPLY makes so much sense. How many blouses, jeans, black pants (I have(had) 6), plastic containers, platters, earrings.etc, etc, do we need. Admit it, you really only wear a few pairs of earrings over and over again mostly because you can't find the others amid the clutter. And whenever I open one of my kitchen cabinets, plastic containers fall all over the place. Why can't I throw them away!!? How many do I really use at one time. What if I just keep a few big ones. What's wrong with putting a small amount of leftovers in a big container. IS IT A SIN!? OMG yes! The containers have to fit the contents so I have all sizes and a bunch of them. ha ha ha. And same for men- too many shirts, tools, etc.
I realize Nick and Alli that some of this clearing taking place by my friends is part of the mid-life stuff, and you need to have your time of collecting stuff (NOT) but what if we really only purchased what we really needed then throw in a bit of extra fun stuff. We'd have more money in the bank, more room in our closets and cabinets, less frustration and we really would be helping the environment.
I am pretty proud of myself during this clearing- I really am not much of a collector anyway- but I really let some stuff go that's I've been hanging onto. But I also took an assessment of my summer clothes (like they tell us in the magazine) and made of list of the items I really feel I need to fill in my wardrobe.
-black crop pants- check, $10.00 Ann Taylor's at TJ Max (love when that happens)
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cute right? and I got rid of a similar old black one |
-a couple colorful tops (since I have about 20 black ones)-check cobalt blue one for $5.50 NIne West at Margaret's Consignments, (can you believe that) a red one from Target
-White skinny jeans - still looking.
But really that is all I need so why keep buying on impulse. Not that we can't indulge occasionally.
All things in moderation
Full disclosure- being an imperfect human- I bought another black one- see picture- I know, I know. So I spent my time in line at the counter justifying- "but this one is cotton with a color and long tail like the ripped on that I'm going to fix one day that I love , it's only $6.00" (it was- at Target), etc, etc.
You get my point- We just have too much stuff. Maybe if every time we were tempted to buy something we didn't need, we turned away and gave what it would cost to a charity. Or if you just had to buy it- then donate something similar from your house.
Just think twice- listen to that gut.
Luv ya-
Sunday, June 10, 2012
Gut Check
My male readers may not like this one so much because it is "shopping" heavy- but the message can be used in other areas. The message really is using our intuition/gut feelings to our advantage. - Using shopping to make my point.
We as human's have to be able to understand the messages our bodies and minds send us. For example- when you have a headache as a child you just have a headache. You don't have a clue what it means or why you have it, you just want mommy to make it go away. Most of us now, because of experience can tell if the headache is caused by sinus problems, or too much wine :-) or a flu bug, etc. We can also learn by experience what our mind/soul is telling us. Intuition- that feeling in our gut or our brain. Most of us don't tune into that, don't listen to our "universe".
Ladies- you know what I mean because you get that feeling when you are standing at the checkout counter with an item you really don't need or really can't afford or just really shouldn't be buying now. We all understand this, right!? Joyce Meyer says to listen to that feeling. Buying it anyway may cause some problem down the road. Short on money, mad husband, overflowing closet, you won't really get your money's worth, whatever.
But is this feeling the same one you get when you are making a life decision? Is the apprehension/intuition that is telling you NO the same one you get at the checkout counter- that nagging "I know I shouldn't be doing this" or is it fear. Because fear can keep us from making some very positive moves in our lives. It would be great if we could bottle those feeling when we get them and pull them out to compare at the right time. Right? Well we sorta can and probably have. In our very cells our brains/bodies/souls know the difference, just like the subtle differences in our headaches, we just may have to dig deep to pull them out.
I've been trying lately to listen more to my intuition and then see if I am right. And guess what? I've been wrong a few times. So it does take practice. Example- I was sure, just had a feeling that if I reached out to someone (not my story to tell so they shall remain anonymous) there would be a very positive result/reward. I was so so sure. But there was also the much stronger fearful feeling that I should mind my own business (like I said not my story to tell). Ahhhggg Two different intuitions. Good chance to practice. I went for it. But so far nothing. Not the good reward anyway but a bit of a backlash for me not minding my own business.
I wish our intuitions could give a clearer message. I've met some really "enlightened" people who understand their subtle messages so well. They rarely make a decision without first doing a "gut check". (That phrase, gut check has been around for a long time so it must mean something) Actually taking a minute or 2 or in meditation to access what their body is telling them. But they tell me it took practice for them too sooooo.......let's all practice and share our stories. Maybe we can learn from each other and make better decisions.
Comment if you have a story to share.
We as human's have to be able to understand the messages our bodies and minds send us. For example- when you have a headache as a child you just have a headache. You don't have a clue what it means or why you have it, you just want mommy to make it go away. Most of us now, because of experience can tell if the headache is caused by sinus problems, or too much wine :-) or a flu bug, etc. We can also learn by experience what our mind/soul is telling us. Intuition- that feeling in our gut or our brain. Most of us don't tune into that, don't listen to our "universe".
Ladies- you know what I mean because you get that feeling when you are standing at the checkout counter with an item you really don't need or really can't afford or just really shouldn't be buying now. We all understand this, right!? Joyce Meyer says to listen to that feeling. Buying it anyway may cause some problem down the road. Short on money, mad husband, overflowing closet, you won't really get your money's worth, whatever.
But is this feeling the same one you get when you are making a life decision? Is the apprehension/intuition that is telling you NO the same one you get at the checkout counter- that nagging "I know I shouldn't be doing this" or is it fear. Because fear can keep us from making some very positive moves in our lives. It would be great if we could bottle those feeling when we get them and pull them out to compare at the right time. Right? Well we sorta can and probably have. In our very cells our brains/bodies/souls know the difference, just like the subtle differences in our headaches, we just may have to dig deep to pull them out.
I've been trying lately to listen more to my intuition and then see if I am right. And guess what? I've been wrong a few times. So it does take practice. Example- I was sure, just had a feeling that if I reached out to someone (not my story to tell so they shall remain anonymous) there would be a very positive result/reward. I was so so sure. But there was also the much stronger fearful feeling that I should mind my own business (like I said not my story to tell). Ahhhggg Two different intuitions. Good chance to practice. I went for it. But so far nothing. Not the good reward anyway but a bit of a backlash for me not minding my own business.
I wish our intuitions could give a clearer message. I've met some really "enlightened" people who understand their subtle messages so well. They rarely make a decision without first doing a "gut check". (That phrase, gut check has been around for a long time so it must mean something) Actually taking a minute or 2 or in meditation to access what their body is telling them. But they tell me it took practice for them too sooooo.......let's all practice and share our stories. Maybe we can learn from each other and make better decisions.
Comment if you have a story to share.
Thursday, June 7, 2012
Slow Down Watch n Listen
I stole this from a Facebook post- I don't do that a lot but I really liked the message of slowing down and listening to what the universe is trying to tell you so it doesn't have to throw a brick. excuse me if you've already seen it.
A young and successful
executive was traveling down a neighborhood street,
going a bit too fast in his new Jaguar.. He was
watching for kids darting out from between parked
cars and slowed down when he thought he saw
As his car passed, no children appeared.
Instead, a brick smashed into the Jag's side door!
He slammed on the brakes and backed the Jag back to
the spot where the brick had been thrown.
The angry driver then jumped out of the
car, grabbed the nearest kid and pushed him up
against a parked car shouting,
Why did you do it?' The young boy was apologetic.
'Please, mister...please, I'm sorry but I didn't
know what else to do,' He pleaded. 'I threw the
brick because no one else would stop....' . 'It's my
brother, 'he said 'He rolled off the curb and fell
out of his wheelchair and I can't lift him
Now sobbing, the boy asked the stunned executive,
executive was traveling down a neighborhood street,
going a bit too fast in his new Jaguar.. He was
watching for kids darting out from between parked
cars and slowed down when he thought he saw
As his car passed, no children appeared.
Instead, a brick smashed into the Jag's side door!
He slammed on the brakes and backed the Jag back to
the spot where the brick had been thrown.
The angry driver then jumped out of the
car, grabbed the nearest kid and pushed him up
against a parked car shouting,
Why did you do it?' The young boy was apologetic.
'Please, mister...please, I'm sorry but I didn't
know what else to do,' He pleaded. 'I threw the
brick because no one else would stop....' . 'It's my
brother, 'he said 'He rolled off the curb and fell
out of his wheelchair and I can't lift him
Now sobbing, the boy asked the stunned executive,
'Would you please help me get him back into his wheelchair?
He's hurt and he's too heavy for me.'
Moved beyond words,
the driver hurriedly lifted the
handicapped boy back into the wheelchair, then took
out a linen handkerchief and dabbed at the fresh
scrapes and cuts. A quick look told him everything
was going to be okay. 'Thank you and may God bless
you,' the grateful child told the stranger. Too
shook up for words, the man simply watched the boy!
push his wheelchair-bound brother down the sidewalk
toward their home..
It was a long, slow walk back to the Jaguar. The damage was very
noticeable, but the driver never bothered to repair
the dented side door. He kept the dent there to
remind him of this message:
Moved beyond words,
the driver hurriedly lifted the
handicapped boy back into the wheelchair, then took
out a linen handkerchief and dabbed at the fresh
scrapes and cuts. A quick look told him everything
was going to be okay. 'Thank you and may God bless
you,' the grateful child told the stranger. Too
shook up for words, the man simply watched the boy!
push his wheelchair-bound brother down the sidewalk
toward their home..
It was a long, slow walk back to the Jaguar. The damage was very
noticeable, but the driver never bothered to repair
the dented side door. He kept the dent there to
remind him of this message:
'Don't go through life so fast that someone has to throw a brick at you to
get your attention!' God whispers in our souls and
speaks to our hearts Sometimes when we don't have
time to listen, He has to throw a brick at us. It's
our choice to listen or not.
Thought for theDay:
If God had a refrigerator, your picture would be onit.
If He had a wallet, your photo would be in it.
He sends you flowers very spring.
He sends you a sunrise every morning Face it, friend - He is crazy about
God didn't promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow, sun
without rain, but He did promise strength for the
day, comfort for the tears, and light for the
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Hello- I said a few posts back I would write my thoughts about the teachings of Jesus or being more "Christ like". WWJD- the popular What Would Jesus do?
As kids we learn in Sunday schools and sermons that we were made in the image of God. So everyone pictures Jesus looking like them and of course he's handsome and God is a white- haired man in the sky. I think most adults realize that what this means is that we were made to image/mirror Jesus- be like him in behavior/character. Follow his teachings. You can read the sermon on the mount section in the Bible to get an overview of his beliefs. But he lived them everyday. Working with the poor, the "unclean" rejecting the social systems of the day, taking to time to pray and have fellowship and fun with his friends, sharing.
But what it boils down to is this; Love and praise (be grateful to) God and the universe,
love yourself (VERY IMPORTANT and not always easy)
love your neighbor (everyone) as yourself.
Give back when you can.
I am certainly not a Bible expert. I interpret the Bible as best I can from my experiences and probably sometimes to reinforce my beliefs.
Spoiler alert here for some of my readers- Stop reading if you are a devout Christian and believe that is the only way-
I believe God sent to earth several "special" people to help us find our way. All sons and daughters of God- as we all are. How else can we explain the similarities in teachings from the different religions around the world. We were given Jesus and are expected to live by his teachings.
Look at Buddhism (summed up)
lead a moral life,
to be mindful and aware of thoughts and actions, and
to develop wisdom and understanding.
to develop wisdom and understanding.
Of course there are teachings, The Four Noble Truths and The Noble Eightfold Path to help Buddhists to reach these goals.
This can get very heavy and complicated- so I will end here. Be kind and happy. Study whatever is needed to help you get there.
Luv ya
Monday, June 4, 2012

4 He that observeth the wind shall not sow; and he that regardeth the clouds shall not reap.
In other words if you wait for the perfect conditions to do something you can miss opportunities and you just may wait forever. Not to be rash- you have to weight the circumstances but sometimes it's just time to go for it.Love ya,
Friday, June 1, 2012
Eat, Drink and be Merry
More inspiration from the Bible and perfect for a Friday- the weekend beginning.
Ecclesiastes 8:15
Not that we needed permission, wink wink, but it's cool to know we have it- straight from the universe.
Love ya
Ecclesiastes 8:15
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My fav thing, ya kno |
So I recommend having fun, because there is nothing better for people in this world than to eat, drink, and enjoy life. That way they will experience some happiness along with all the hard work God gives them under the sun.
King Salomon is speaking here. He was considered a wise man with a direct connection to God and his word. It's really fun to read about him because he came to so many realizations the hard way like most of us do. And he writes to his people so they can learn form him. He was upset because he spent so much of his life building his land and working and just "being King" until he looked back and realized it was all just like "blowing in the wind". It meant nothing without relationships or fun memories or in his case devotion to God which he felt was the way to true happiness. He learned to realize that God wants us to do the work that is required but to also have fun. Enjoy life- try to find joy in your work! but then when work is over "eat drink and enjoy life".Not that we needed permission, wink wink, but it's cool to know we have it- straight from the universe.
Love ya
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