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Monday, June 4, 2012

Ecclesiastes 11:4

4 He that observeth the wind shall not sow; and he that regardeth the clouds shall not reap. 

In other words if you wait for the perfect conditions to do something you can miss opportunities and you just may wait forever.  Not to be rash- you have to weight the circumstances but sometimes it's just time to go for it.   
But this came to me because I said to someone that I wasn't going to church because I just haven't found the right one. Their response was this verse and then that there just may not be the "perfect" church.  Then we went on to use this about my not finding the "perfect" network group, the perfect time to sell my house, the perfect time to sing with a group- the perfect time to ____________ fill in your own "sow and reap". Maybe it's to paint, to travel, to play a gig, to take a class, meditate, study, etc. See the pattern???  Waiting for conditions to be perfect before doing-  This is different from procrastination.  (The act of replacing high-priority actions with tasks of lower priority, or doing something from which one derives enjoyment, and thus putting off important tasks to a later time.)  Before you know it time has eaten up your life or you've missed the chance.  DON'T DO THIS!  REAP !

Love ya,


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