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Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Are we having a nice spring? I thinks it's been a pretty good one here in Louisville-  yep, Thank you

Are you enjoying the birds nesting? The birds are so active around my house and singing til really late in the night- yep, Thank you

Have you seen the spring flowers? The colorful creations of the universe, so beautiful- yep, Thank you

Have you felt a cool breeze just when you needed it.- yep, Thank you

Have you seen your first lighting bug/firefly. How amazing are they really!- yep, Thank you

Have you gotten to listen to some good music outdoors (if not outdoors, then just good music) ? I have ears that work and God made musicians- yep, Thank you

Did you laugh this past week? Feels so good  to laugh- yep, Thank you

There you go- you've just finished your daily gratitude. Those endorphins are flowing.

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