Will I am a bit embarrassed. Imagine my dismay when I turned on the TV yesterday and there was a commercial for Power Ball, Kentucky lottery or something and there was the Power song I had posted about the day before. So either I psychically knew the song would be coming on or I had already heard it. I'm guessing I already heard it.
And now that I think about it, finding a dime is just finding a dime. No more, no less. And isn't it true that it doesn't matter how positive you are- the shits (shitty, mean, bad people) really do win and being too nice really is a bad thing. I know people who go through life never smelling the roses or being grateful who are on top of the world- who have what they need and much more. They wake up crabby, stay crabby, never sing "Joyous" music, seldom have a kind word and they WIN WIN WIN. You can ask all you want but you probably won't receive and so what if it's another day the lord or whoever has made. What's the point of all this, right?
Oh My. Now how do you feel after reading that? Sad? A bit deflated? Concerned about me? If it affected you at all - you are not one of those that can go through life being crabby and mean. So go back and read something positive. It'll make you feel better.
I don't like feeling like what the paragraph above describes, but sometimes I do. Yuck yuck- when that happens. I have to work to follow my own advice. I like believing in Angels and singing happy songs. I want to be that person even if I'm not always a winner.
I felt so much better after writing it down- Lesson- write it and get it out. I've heard that from a lot of sources and it really does work. But don't send it!
So the rest of the story and today's real post. When I went to bed last night I laughed at myself and how mad I got (I threw things lol). I thought "maybe the mower not working saved my life- it was hot - maybe I would have had a stroke or heart attack". I relaxed and thought that it would all work out.
When I got up I decided to try looking at the mower again. (I did once, twice already yesterday and nothin.) I looked underneath and just followed my :instincts. It really was like I was being guided to go here, then go there and I FIXED IT!! OMG I don't know- I do think negative feelings and thoughts beget negative and having faith is good. I don't know- interesting.
Luv ya.
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