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Thursday, May 31, 2012

New Age??

2 Corinthians 10:5

casting down imaginations, and every high thing that is exalted against the knowledge of God, and bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ

 A morning reading from Joyce Meyer. I still find it so amazing that the Bible has so many teachings that all the "new agers" are using now. I could go on and on about that. Positive thought, attraction (asking for what we want), gratefulness, meditation, chakras, reki, etc have been taught throughout the ages. It isn't "NEW AGE". It has been part of our make-up since the beginning of time. The "Fall in Eden" messed it up a little, but then Jesus came back to help straighten us out. Unfortunately the good news and messages in the Bible have been taken hostage by "Christians" who have given it a bad name and so some people would never turn to the Bible for inspiration. I was one of those people. Also it is sometimes hard to discern the message due to the language. But I know how valuable it is. And guess what- new age spirituality led me to know this. So...   

The message I take from the verse above has been a common theme in my postings.  Turn negative thought to positive thought.  This has often been a theme in my postings, I guess because I need to remember it so much. We all do.  

How powerful is it to know that imaginations (that horrible chatter on our heads) that tell us we aren't good enough or whatever negativity is there is actually a thought against what God knows to be true. He knows we are wonderful people worthy of our dreams. WOW.  And the words "obedience to Christ" could be a bit weird, but it just means to the teachings of Jesus. If you just look at the teachings of Jesus, it is easy to turn your thoughts into that. To be more Christ like.  And that is really what we should all strive for. I'll look a bit into those teachings for you and write my thoughts on those next time. 

Love ya, 

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Seek and ye shall find.

Dear Nick Ali and friends,

You know this is such a simple thing, but I felt compelled to write it.(humm-the reason may reveal itself)

Don't be afraid to seek out and take advise. 

Asking for help is not a sign of weakness. When you're faced with a decision, are having a problem, or are trying to decide which direction to turn next for example. And what's interesting is that you can sometimes get wisdom from people you would never suspect.  Sometimes the "wisest" ones think too much when a simple suggestion will do.  Just throw it out there and see what comes back.

That's all-  Love ya.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Oh Happy Day

This song was whizzing thru my head:

Oh Happy day
oh happy day
 Oh Happy da-ay
 oh happy day
When he washed, (when he washed) - oh when he washed , (when he washed) he washed my sins away  
The tune and message on this song is awesome. 

"He taught me howwwwwww to looooove, fight and pray
and he'll rejoooooooooice , rejoice, in things we say, everyday. 

Oh it's a happy day. 
So let's change it up:

And we'll rejoice in things we say everyday-  (positive- affirming)
Cause it's a happy day 
When we washed, (oh when we washed) we washed our negativity away.

Another version says' "we live rejoicing- everyday"
I like that one too.

Luv ya.  PS if you don't know the song google it Oh Happy Day. Everyone from the movie Sister Act to Aretha Franklin, choirs etc, do this.  But here is a great one from a Brazilian kids talent show
TURN IT UP!  Believe me you will want to dance.

Jotta A 


Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Just Because

Some simple messages.

This made me laugh and I like the sentiment: 
get  it?

I am overjoyed with whelm!


I like this one too.  Reminds me of Jagger..... and Nick when he was little.  He loved just running. I think we still have some of this in all of us at times.

 Luv ya!


Monday, May 21, 2012

 I am so excited!  I learned something this morning. From one of those silly e-mails. From one of those silly e-mails my mother sends : -).   I've lived through this and did not look at the situation this way. .

Have you ever been down and out and nobody seems to be around for you to talk to? THAT'S GOD wanting you to talk to Him.

I never thought of that. I have sat before feeling sorry for myself and just wanting to talk to someone.  I will forever remember this. How simple- talk to God. He wants us to. 

Love ya

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Ask n Be Thankful

I don't think Paul would mind my "borrowing" from his letters to the Philippians.

Peace of mind.
 May you always be joyful in your union with the Lord.(universe) I say it again: rejoice! Let everyone see that your are unselfish and considerate in all you do. . Don't worry about anything, but in all your prayers (or meditations) ask God and his universe for what you need, (before you drift off to sleep is a great time) always asking him with a thankful heart.(for what has already been given)
7 And God's peace, which is far beyond human understanding, will keep your hearts and minds safe.8 In conclusion, my friends, fix your thoughts on what is true and good and right and think about things that are pure and lovely and dwell on the fine good things in others. Think about all those things that deserve praise: things that are true, noble, right, pure, lovely, and honorable and be glad about it.  

If you feel compelled, read the rests of Paul's letters to the Philippians. He speaks my language. 

Love you,

Friday, May 18, 2012

Others need us too.

If you realized how powerful your thoughts are, 

                              you would never think a negative thought.

                                                                                              - Peace Pilgrim -

I've written about positive thoughts before, but in the context of thinking them for ourselves. But if positive thinking can work on ourselves then why not on others in our lives.  I don't mean like wishing something bad would happen to someone you don't like. -That may work- but then you have the bad Karma to contend with yourself.  I do believe that good and bad thoughts and words send out the energy and can have an affect. Call it praying if you like but I'm also talking about the thoughts that drift in and out of your mind as well as simple conversation. 

If you find yourself thinking a bad thought about someone change it immediately just like you would for yourself.

He/she is so stupid to he/she is so stupendous.  He/she is just lazy to he/she will find the energy. Or something like that.

-one I already wrote about- negative talk, constant complaining about our marriage, mate, loved one. Turn to positive.

-I have a friend who has recently gone into remission from cancer. She is a firm believer in the power of positive thinking and therefore also in negative thinking. When she was diagnosed she told very few people because she didn't want the negative thoughts that could accompany the news. "Oh poor ____"  "Oh that is a horrible cancer",  "oh only 10% of people live thru that"- You get the picture- all the comments and thoughts that people have in a well meaning way, but definitely negative.

-Occasionally when I meditate I let my mind travel to the homes of people I love. It might go to Nashville and hover over Nick's bed and I send glowing positive energy. 

Practice consciously sending positive thoughts and energy to others in your life, to their situations. And also be conscious of the negative ones. Notice if it has an impact on you also- KARMA

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Almost Summer & stuff

Dear Nick and Allie-  It's almost summer.  On my walk this morning I passed a car pulling a trailer behind holding 2 jet skis. Oh boy I'd like to go with them.  I have always thought that people need something like this- water sports, swimming pools, lakes, something to separate summer from winter. A lake house is a nice way- going away for the weekends. How about a couple of weekends on a houseboat. Just not doing the same everyday things we do in the winter. Then our lives are just like one long, run on sentence.  Outdoor music festivals. The beach. (What do you do if you live at the beach?) That's why I tired to put Nick in different summer camps- the zoo, the Human Society, YMCA, church- so the summer wouldn't all run together.

This also makes me think about how we spend our time in general. I think it's important to put ourselves out there.  Remember my blog about walking in the snow at 6:30 am?  To do memorable things to make memories.  Dress up for Halloween. Go to special events where you have to dress formally- it makes you feel really special and different- makes cool memories.  Gather up a group of friends and acquaintances and go to a festival, a picnic, hike in a park. Have a theme party instead of just having people over.

Volunteer- A "mentor" once told me that volunteering/joining a group and the relationships you create doing so is what life is all about. 

Don't just sit there- Just Do It (sorry Nike)  Don't do ordinary-do extraordinary! (I know that sometimes the simple things can be extraordinary too)

Luv ya 

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mothers ME!

Dear Nick, Alli and friends,

It's Mother's Day. What can I write about mother's day that hasn't already been written- a thousand times. But I want to anyway. My Mother's day plans were canceled due to rain- My mom and I would have had a great day selling her jewelry at a fair in Covington. But a movie later will be good.

So, I'm home Watching "Sunday Morning". The moment in nature this Sunday showed Otters with their babies. The moms were floating on their backs with the babies wringling around on their stomachs. Looked pretty uncomfortable for the mom.  But that short clip said a lot- Being a mom often means being uncomfortable. Lets start with the pregnancy! :-)  birth, breastfeeding.  Those are givens, but other times of discomfort, like with the otters, are purely taken on out of love:
    -staying still as our legs fall asleep and begin to tingle so we won't disturb your sleep,
     -carrying you when our arms are too tired,
     -laying on the floor of your room when you're sick in your crib,
    - reading the same book over and over and over
     -sitting in a freezing cold ice rink or on a hard bench
     -watching you cry over something we are helpless to fix (heart breaking)
     -teaching you to drive a car... and on and on

             Then there is the discomfort of letting go!  

Oh my- the empty nest. I remember my mother going through this and I was indifferent and a bit angry for the "drama" of it. "MOM!  that's silly to be like that."  (I'm sure I've eaten more words then those- but none as bitter ) This phenomenon is something that cannot really be put into words.  Overwhelming sometimes.
Riding by a school at dismissal can bring instant tears- seeing a little league ball game, girls in their prom dresses. Can we really have already gone through all that and now it's over?  How can that be?

Having had a stroke that mildly affected my memory, I wonder if what I am feeling- sort of a gap in time- is what other parents feel or if it is unique to me.  I know I lived it but it feels more like a dream.  I want one (or two) days to have Nick back at those mile marker years, 4 months, 9 months, 2 years etc. Probably would give my right arm. Might be more relaxed, less rushed, less crabby. 

Then the discomfort of "Was I good enough?"  Can our children say they learned anything positive from us? Was  my "helping" with the big projects good or bad for him?   Did I put him in the right day care, schools. Did I yell too much/too little. My plans for introductions to the master artist and composers went out the door when the Titanic and ice hockey became more important. Should I have been like the "Tiger Moms" in Japan (or was that China?)    aaaauuggggg! it goes on and on- for me anyway.  

So Nick and Alli- moms do what they know to do- no instruction manuals. Being a mom is about being in a bit of discomfort many many times in our lives because this is a love like no other love. Your job as sons and daughters is to occasionally remind us that we did all right, at least at times, tell us about a time that you remember something we did for you, let us know you did learn something positive from us.
Lie if you have to- ha ha ha- we deserve it.  
And a happy Mothers Day to my mom- I'll do the same.

Love you,


Friday, May 11, 2012

Proud and wise

 Pride leads to conflict;
those who take advice are wise. 

                                                     Proverbs 13:10

It's not always easy to admit we need advice or that we are wrong.  Being too prideful is hurtful in our lives, and in our relationships. 

Pride is defined as (from Wikipedia) - an inwardly directed emotion that carries two common meanings. With a negative connotation, pride refers to an inflated sense of one's personal status or accomplishments. With a positive connotation, pride refers to a satisfied sense of attachment toward one's own or another's choices and actions, or toward a whole group of people, and is a product of praise, independent self-reflection, or a fulfilled feeling of belonging.

So being proud or having pride in yourself is not a bad thing. Being too prideful though can be a problem and what is behind most arguments.  Having to get our way, having to be right, not wanting to take advice or listen to another point of view. If you find you're in a lot of arguments or you are often being disturbed by other people - you might do a self examination and try to determine if you are letting pride get in the way of living a more serene, conflict free life.   Pride and humility walk a fine line I think. Humans need a dose of both.

I write this to share my experience. I've been trying to understand why a certain person acts the way they do. ( No not any of you, my readers :-)  In my readings/studying I came across Pride and I said one of my AH HAs then studied the word a little deeper.  I may have a tool now to deal with this person better and I understand that I too puff up my pride when I'm around them- (as a defense mechanism?)  so our conflict is even greater. Neither of us wants to give in, take advice etc., continuous one-upping-  Whew- creates a tense situation. And guess what- I am proud of myself (but not too much) for trying to understand the situation instead of letting it "unravel". Trying to solve the mystery of our conflicts.

So if it isn't personal to you- if you neeeveeer have a problem with pride (which is almost impossible) - you might recognize it in others and be more understanding of them.  Understand why you react to them the way you do, help therm to see it in themselves.  So.... be proud but be wise.

Luv ya and are very proud of you,

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Grateful Today

Below is a list of things most people can be grateful for. So if you haven't said your grateful list today just read this one with true belief and deep feeling.

I am grateful for-
       My family- (give your own reason why here)
       Time- I do always have a few minutes to contemplate/reflect.
       My body- it carries my soul and gives it shelter in this earthly experience
       My heart- it is beating and allowing oxygen and nutrients to flow throughout my body
       The clouds- they make a beautiful sky and give me shelter from the sun
       The sun- warmth, light and beauty
       My home (weather you own or rent, etc) - I have a place to sleep, eat, relax, entertain, etc

Thank you for all of these things.  

Remember being grateful is good for the spirit- opens a space for even better things in your life and is proven to be medically beneficial. 7 items has a biblical and universal significance. 

Luv ya

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Just Dance

I got this morning's inspiration from the very person in my blog title. In comments about a picture of Alli in her wedding dress she said, "Makes me want to go put it on and dance for no reason". 

YES, YES-  do it! Who cares if it's for no reason, who cares that if someone saw you they'd think you were foolish- WHO CARES- Think of how much fun that will be and how joyful you will feel.

My daily reading today is David in Psalms: (yes really:-)
 "For they are like a breath of air;
 their days are like a passing shadow."  
He was talking about human beings. 
Let your hair get messed up- kiss in public- reach out for help from as stranger (Nick!-network)- dance- sing- put on that bathing suit so you can go in the ocean/pool (that one is for me:-), 
OMG- I am having my own revelation here today as I write. This message is for me. I must be channeling someone who is talking to me. (Roland?)  Thank you Alli for the inspiration. 

I've always worried about what others thought- it's incapacitating sometimes. I know we have to be mindful of those around us- to not invade someone else's space or make them feel really uncomfortable- but still....but still to not worry so much about what they will think,  or our friends, family and acquaintances will think. 

So like the song says:

 If you get the chance to sit it out or dance- I HOPE YOU DANCE

 Luv ya


Monday, May 7, 2012

This keeps going through my head this morning-    

"Today is a day the Lord has made, rejoice and be glad in it".

Maybe not word for word as in the Bible, but what my mind keeps repeating. Worries, upsets?- I got worries & upsets. But dang it I'm gonna be glad I have today.

Nick is here and we're gonna have lunch- thank you Nick, I'm going to walk with a friend later today and I have a new client contact. Just little things----to be joyful about.  Brings tears to my eyes (but I'm an easy cry).

 I try so hard to not be cranky with people and circumstances and I pray for patience. I want to live the words I write- but I don't always- I do not want to take drugs so I walk around saying "Today is the day the Lord has made rejoice and be glad in it  ; -)   Or what I consider the perfect prayer, The Lords Prayer.  Our Father, my universe, hallowed be thy name .......

Luv ya,

Sunday, May 6, 2012

“The more you unfold, the less likely you are to unravel.”
 from a story by William B. Stewart, M.D.

Think about that for a minute. I really like it.  You know sometimes I go surfing in my books and on computer to find something to inspire me to write about, but more often than not it finds me, like this one did.  It was just there and I know.  Coincidence/serendipity?  Look up those words-very similar with minor differences. I think serendipity is more directed, purposeful, from God/Universe. Something given to us for a reason.

Oh! Where was I?    I might just put this saying on my mirror as a daily reminder. The message is pretty clear. What I take from it....
one is that I can let things go, go with the flow, be patient. I shouldn't allow things to bother me until I just unravel- go off- blow up, etc.  

or that I should "unfold" a problem I have in a situation - look at it, figure it out before it becomes huge and causes me or my life to unravel. 

also that I can "unfold" to someone that I have a problem with them- get it out in the open before the relationship unravels. 

I am going to go unfold now- I like that word- you might be hearing me use it in my everyday. "Well see ya later I need to unfold for awhile"  or "I gotta go unfold with someone" ha ha- so much better than "I'm gonna go blast someone".  

Luv ya,


Thursday, May 3, 2012


Let's see if I can get this out- written so it can be understood the way I hope it to be understood.

My writing this morning was gonna start with me expressing that I hadn't had any real "ah ha" moments in awhile. I was going to say that I believed that was because I was in a bit of a worry state and also that I haven't been taking the time to meditate- listen- reflect.  Also Tuesday was a bad day for me. A "can't get off the couch" depressed day. I won't say why- a girl has to keep some things to herself. Then as I was sitting at the computer I realized that I had an Ah ha moment that I didn't recognize. I KNOW YOU HAVE THEM TOO- BE AWARE As I was laying on the couch I told myself I would allow this for awhile then I had to adjust my attitude and go on. But all through the day I was using my own advice and turning my negative thoughts into positive as often as I could and voila! a solution came to me out of the blue. I was like "dang- why didn't I think of this before" I wasted all that time. (okay see how easy it is to go into the negative- I didn't waste the time, I used it to my benefit :-) I truly believe that once I calmed my mind by going into peace- being positive- a solution was presented to me. IT WORKS!!

Anyway- I still don't know if it is going to work out the way I want- I think it will though- and I'm no longer depressed - so stay tuned.

Okay then I go to my reading this morning and look at this!

Psalm 118:24
24 This is the day the LORD has made.
We will rejoice and be glad in it.

THERE'S MORE- This was the narrative to go with it.

There are days when the last thing we want to do is rejoice. Our mood is down, our situation is out of hand, and our sorrow or guilt is overwhelming. We can relate to the writers of the psalms who often felt this way. But no matter how low the psalmists felt, they were always honest with God. And as they talked to God, their prayers ended in praise. When you don't feel like rejoicing, tell God how you truly feel. You will find that God will give you a reason to rejoice. God has given you this day to live and to serve him-be glad!

OMG- right?  Teach me to doubt! To say I'm not having Ah Ha moments!  I did exactly what the writers did- I acknowledged my mood- I got mad about it and said so out loud by the way, then went positive and again "voila!. I found a reason to "rejoice".  Please understand that rejoice sounds like jumping up and down and waving your arms and stuff- I wasn't doing that- but I was happier.

Luv ya- 

Wednesday, May 2, 2012


Anger makes you smaller, while forgiveness forces you to grow beyond what you are.

- Cherie Carter-Scott

I wanted to share that because I thought it was pretty good.- but I'm writing about something else.

I read a book once written by a woman who I assumed was "religious".  It turned out she is what I call "spiritual".  A Louisvillian also.  It was a very simple book- I lent it out several times and really don't know where it landed, and I can't remember the name of the book. But a part of the book keeps coming back to me in the last few days.  This book first introduced me to the concept that I may have met my guardian angel.  But another thing that stood out for me was her concept of good and evil (God and the devil). She called it Peace and Chaos. I know for some the idea of a Devil is too much to take on. So Chaos is the perfect substitute.
While she did talk about God in her book she related that Universal entity to Peace. So when things were bad for her she talked about fighting Chaos. The energy that we create due to our actions(our free will) our thoughts, the actions and thoughts of others around us create the Chaos, not some being who lives a fiery pit under ground.  It takes practice and discipline to ward off Chaos. And sometimes we just can't- and then it is how we react to Chaos that brings the Peace.   

I've written before that our angels shy away from us when we're in a Chaotic state of mind.  But just slowing down and asking for their help shifts your energy and allows the Peace to be near. 

Chaos is also that little devil on your shoulder- the negative thoughts that nag during the day. So the best way to ward off Chaos is to be with Peace-  (get it? :-)

At a Joyce Meyer event the other day she mentioned the devil many times. I kept replacing that in my mind with Chaos and it really makes so much sense that way.  Look in the Bible where the devil (Satan) is mentioned- replace it with the word Chaos and see if it doesn't fit for you.

Luv ya,