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Monday, December 24, 2012

Conspiracy of Love

 "Blessed is the season which engages the 

                     whole world in a conspiracy of love"                      

                                                                           Hamilton Wright Mabel (over 100 yrs ago)

A conspiracy: a secret plan among two or more people to do a particular thing. 

Love: the feeling of liking somebody or something very much, warmth, kindness


So how cool it is that someone years and years ago came up with a secret plan to celebrate Christmas and make it time to feel warm and loving to one another. Then for Mr. Mabel to recognize that. We would certainly welcome any season that enhances love around the world. 

My dear friend Lin Schussler-Williams has taken this quote and thrown down a challenge. Well, she is more polite than that- she is inviting us to -in her words- 
    "Join me in making the end of 2012 exactly this: a season engaging the whole world in a conspiracy of love."
    "It is really easy. Just in your heart, in your thoughts, and in your words and actions, be  a presence for the conspiracy of love.  Ask yourself, is what I'm thinking in alignment with a larger conspiracy for love?  Is what I'm thinking coming from love?  Are the words I'm about to utter, or just said, in the spirit of love?  Am I acting like someone committed to a conspiracy of love? " 

If you are like me you will have to catch yourself, occasionally bite your tongue, rearrange a thought, hum the Lords Prayer, pinch yourself, pinch me or someone else when we stray from the conspiracy (lol) But eventually it will become our nature.

I want to take it a step farther- lets see if we can extend the season of love throughout 2013.  I believe that the Mayans did have it right- it was the end of the world as we know it, because so many people are tuned into having a "new world" of peace and love. This conspiracy is going to spread world wide. I vow to do my part. Won't you join me? 

And the lion lay down with the lamb.

Luv ya,

Friday, December 21, 2012

A grandma's heart is a patchwork of love. 

I came across this quote the other day and saved it for a post because while I've heard before it really caught my eye this time. I bet most all readers have at least one grandma they remember fondly. I know Nick and Alli both have two. Keeping it simple. These women gave their all for you and loved you with all their heart. They played , they created, they attended plays, recitals and sports events. Then they watched you grow into your own lives and away from theirs. Until you are a parent you will never know how that feels. I remind you to make that call when they come to mind, take a moment to send a card, how fun it is to occasionally reminisce with them over times you've had.

“Of all the words of mice and men, the saddest are, "It might have been.”
Kurt Vonnegut

Sunday, December 16, 2012


I thought my next blog should mention the senseless tragedy in Connecticut on Friday. Yesterday I didn't know what to say.  I was filled with anger as much as sadness and was berating myself for the anger. Cussing to myself and out loud at guns and at people who I feel are too stupid to understand that no one needs an automatic or semi automatic weapon.  Cussing the "gun enthusiast" mother who had all those guns available to a son she knew was "troubled". I will never agree with them nor understand their thinking.
 I read this and am borrowing because I can't say it better:

"I want to add to the level of peace in the world; I don't want to add to the violence by how I am with myself, others & the world. I don't always succeed in this. Sometimes my thoughts or my words are vicious, separating, name-calling, accusatory, fired with the agony of senseless tragedies."          Oriah Mountain Dreamer

 As a parent I can't help but think about what the kids went through. Did any of them live long enough to cry out for their parents. Morbid thinking, I know, but it's there.  I felt a bit guilty going out to celebrate Christmas on Friday- but I heard a Rabbi speak and his message was that living life, in remembrance, is the best way to celebrate the lives of those killed. He said the full living of life is a way of worshiping God.

Do not question God- We were given free will. Free will and the state of humanity did this. Things have to change from within. 

Saying Love you as I usually do is not enough.  Every cell in my body cries out with an overwhelming emotion for my family, friends and other readers that can not be described by any word in the dictionary.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Being Kind

Hi guys,

As we go through our days we usually rush from one errand or project to another often without much thought.  At least that is true for me. The obvious problem of living our life this way is not being in the moment. I do try to practice what I preach in this blog, but if you remember, my intro to this blog explains that this isn't always the case and I want Allison and Nick to begin now not later to practice the laws of the universe.

My biggest problem--that I recognized anyway-- is PATIENCE. And lack of patience does not allow much in the way of "living in the moment".  Sometimes I am lucky enough to get a gentle reminder from my guardian angels and I actually do something right. ;-) 

My lovely but sometimes clumsy mother ;-) cut her hand yesterday which required a trip to the emergency room at 10:30 am. It is 2:30-yes t-w-o thirty o'clock! and we are finally stitched up and allowed to leave the hospital. As an out-patient we can get a stamp for free parking. I go where they tell me to go, the front welcoming desk---no one there at the desk to be welcoming. OMG!@!!  (me no longer being patient).  I see registration desks lined up behind some doors and I walk over to one. The girl sitting there looks up at me as if to say "One step closer and I'll kill you".  Maybe I had the same look on my face at this point. I don't know.  But I also noticed a sadness of sorts in her face. (me-being in the moment for once) I don't know whats she's been through today, last night, her whole life.
With a big sigh she opened her drawer to get a stamp as if it weighed a ton. I went into Zig Ziggler, Wayne Dyer, Dale Carnegie mode and I don't even know why.  I told her I like her earrings. (I kinda did) She looked up at me with a smile and felt to see which ones she had on (she didn't even know, so you know she wasn't living in the moment when she put them on) and she told me they were a gift and I felt the energy change in that little room.  My comment gave her a pleasant memory. YEAH
Now I wasn't around to see if she kept her "good mood" but I like to think she did at least a little. I know I was reminded of a lesson. BEING KIND Usually WORKS.  It is my job to remember this more often.

Offer a kind word, or just a smile today- everyday.  Karma

Luv ya,

Saturday, December 8, 2012

The Centurion

Matthew 8:13 

Jesus said to the centurion, "Go; it will be done for you just as you have believed." 


Was it a miracle? Or was Jesus teaching about the laws of the universe? Believe and the universe will provide or harbor negative thoughts and receive negative results.

Paint your own destiny. 

Luv ya, 

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Wednesday, December 5, 2012


There is a hard law. When an injury is done to us, we never recover until we forgive.

- Alan Paton -

A rarity in his time, Paton was a white man in a country of oppressed blacks who fought for their freedom and believed in their worth. It has been said that Paton was "the man who pulled up the barbed wire fence and planted geraniums" in South Africa. As a chronicler of his times, he brought America and the rest of the world face-to-face and heart-to-heart with the problem of race relations in South Africa.


  Holding a grudge is like taking poison and hoping the other person will get sick. 


Forgiveness doesn't mean that you deny the other person's responsibility for hurting you, and it doesn't minimize or justify the wrong. You can forgive the person without excusing the act. Forgiveness brings a kind of peace that helps you go on with life.

A more clinical approach--From the Mayo Clinic (for heavens sake!)

What are the benefits of forgiving someone?

Letting go of grudges and bitterness can make way for compassion, kindness and peace. Forgiveness can lead to:
  • Healthier relationships
  • Greater spiritual and psychological well-being
  • Less anxiety, stress and hostility
  • Lower blood pressure
  • Fewer symptoms of depression
  • Lower risk of alcohol and substance abuse 
Why is my subject Forgiveness?  I've had a hard time with this one myself.  I have some people I really need to forgive and just when I think I have that accomplished some resentment creeps into me. It is not easy. But harder still is not being resentful of the successes or happiness of someone you need to forgive or even have already forgiven.  There are steps that can be taken- for another post- so for now just think about it and start the process

You might be saying to yourself that you have no one to forgive, but I've learned lately  that if you are alive you have someone to forgive.  Even if it's that person who cut you off in traffic.  A big breath and a conscience forgiveness will make your ride much better and you won't hold the tension later- that you maybe didn't even realize was there.   I've also learned and believe this with all my heart that I cannot truly be open to all the good the universe has in store for me if I do not free that space in my soul that that grudge is occupying.  REMEMBER negativity begets negativity. Nick and Alli- start now before you have so much to clear out.

Luv ya,

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Timeless Principle

Psalms 63: 4-8 (Psalm of David)

So I will bless you as long as I’m alive;
I will lift up my hands in your name.
I’m fully satisfied—
as with a rich dinner.

My mouth speaks praise with joy on my lips—

whenever I ponder you on my bed,

whenever I meditate on you

in the middle of the night—

because you’ve been a help to me
and I shout for joy in the protection of your wings.

My whole being clings to you;
your strong hand upholds me.

hummmm  Again seems there is nothing new about the idea of positive affirmation and gratefulness. This is an excerpt from the Psalm of David when he was in the desert. Wish I could say how many years ago, but just the knowing that this is a timeless principle for a fulfilled life, a timeless practice for uplifting our lives and spirit is inspiring.  

Luv ya, 

Thursday, November 29, 2012

I Ams

In the same theme of the Breaking Thought Patterns post.  Via Wayne Dyer, we can go to bed thinking of the negatives from the day or just crashing.  Or we can do a grateful check but then add I AMs to let the universe work while we sleep.  Wayne speaks about I AMs. Make a list, written or mentally, of the good things you are or want to be.

I am loved

I am a great___________(fill in your profession)

I am a a part of the this wonderful universe

I am alive on this beautiful earth

I am living in a healthy body with an abundance of energy.

I am so lucky to be married to a wonderful spouse- (say this one especially if you've had an argument and maybe don't mean it at the time. HA)

You can also project your dreams. What are your goals- make your I AMs from them. If you hope to be a performer then go to bed saying I am a recognized and popular singer/songwriter. Put it out there in the universe while you sleep. I am living in the house of my dreams. Whatever it is. It should relax the mind and sooth the soul.

Then sweet dreams.

Luv ya,

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Breaking the thought pattern.

I know most of us have times where we just can't fall asleep or we get awakened in the night and can't go back to sleep.  I've had several of those nights lately.  I lay there and allowed my mind to go places it shouldn't go.  Humm wonder what she meant when she said that?  Humm that job's never gonna come through, humm I can't believe I saw another wrinkle............ and on and on. Negative chatter.  In a huff this last night I jumped up, something I hate to do once I'm in the bed, but I wasn't sleeping anyway  and I realized I had to break that pattern of thought. I started practicing what I preach.  I went to one of my CDs, one with a soothing voice telling me what wonderful creations we all are and that we all deserve the best from the universe. But also suggesting action steps to get what we want from the universe. Better to go to bed feeling empowered than at the mercy, right!? I was nodding off before I even got to the end of the CD.  I went to bed and snoozed joyously.  I could also have picked up a book that contains positive messages. And at the very least I've picked up the Sunday crossword puzzle.  Not being able to answer any of the clues is a real snoozer, but really not as spiritually helpful is it. ha ha

The idea is to break the thought pattern. And this negative thinking doesn't just happen when we are trying to sleep. I've spoken to others who say they have arguments with themselves and others in their minds while driving, getting ready in the morning, etc.  I know you know what I mean.  Also just being in a really bad mood- angry or blue.  These friends say they play music, sing, quote bible verses, speak positive affirmations, anything to break the negative chatter or negative feelings. Negative thought creates negative vibrations which creates negative in our lives.

But back to the sleeping problem- isn't it better to go to sleep with a positive message swirling around in your brain.

Luv ya.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Worth Repeating

 THOUGHT BECOME THINGS........              

                                              CHOOSE THE GOOD ONES.

Luv ya! 

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Well- I'm Alive

I'm sharing a song that was brought to my attention by a friend. This is part of her morning "getting ready for the world" routine.  Click in the link below.

I'm ALive- Kenny Chesney with Dave Matthews

Very nice! 

Luv ya!

Friday, November 9, 2012

You Are What You ....Read?

Guys!  If as the saying goes "We are what we eat"  then it just stands to reason, that "we are what we read". Our brain after all is one big muscle. As I've mentioned before it has been proven that our minds are affected by gratitude, meditation, prayer. As Zig Ziggler likes to say "Garbage in Garbage out". 

So it is no wonder that people are killing in the workplace, bullying at schools, having road rage, or in general are just angry, sullen and oppositional.  You've heard some of the AM morning radio shows?  Or the rap/hip hop stations.  Spewing hatred, and falsehoods. If someone is listening to that- by the time they get to work or school they are ready, if not to kill, then to be angry, sullen and oppositional.

I know in my experience in the morning, if I watch the news or read the paper before I do my meditation/inspirational work I'm antsy and sometimes ready to bite someone's head off.  Don't even talk to me about this election cycle - GEEZ

Pick up the Bible and read a few verses, find a daily devotional- doesn't necessarily have to be religious. Keep index cards with your favorite quotes, your visions and dreams by your bed or where you have coffee so you can easily pick them up to read.

Grow your brain with the good!
Luv Ya

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Grateful list

Today I am grateful for:

-Warm blankets to curl up under on this grey day
-Being able to enjoy watching my favorite team play good football
-A couple of nice, magazines to read (one is O in which Oprah says she did a gratitude journal for years)
-A very good reason to get up and out later in the day
-The ability to help out a couple friends in need today
-That their needs at this time are simple and not life or health threatening. 
-My family and friends (always included)

Your turn!

Luv ya

Friday, November 2, 2012

Power of the Mind & the Universe

 “Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge
is limited to all we now know and understand, while
imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever
will be to know and understand.
— Albert Einstein

If you can dream it, you can be it!          

 I believe I can fly!  

         When you wish upon a star!            

If you build it they will come!

Don't worry about the buts or the hows. Build the dream, think and work on it everyday.
 Build the dream, believe, and it will come. Avenues will open that will surprise you.

Luv ya,

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Dream Building

Good morning, afternoon or evening,

I've read some interesting articles lately about how to tap into the laws of the universe to build our dream life. This ideas comes from so many directions; from the Bible to The Secret, to Mary Morrissey's Dream Builder, Joyce Meyer, etc.  Is really is so simple, but something we don't pay enough attention to.

As simple as we can't get what we want until we beam in on what we want. Again- UNTIL WE BEAM IN ON WHAT WE WANT Until we dare to dream. Then we have to believe our dream can come true and take the necessary steps to help the universe help us.  How many times have you heard someone say, I bought a red car (color, model, whatever) and now I see so many red cars when I didn't before. Once we set our mind on a dream we are open to the possibilities- we "see" the openings to our dream.

I started thinking of times in my life that this might have been true.  I remember one very vividly (I'm sure there are more)  but I had never thought of it this way. One of my AHA moments for sure, just today. OMG I've done this. I've focused on a dream that came true!   There is a cute little apartment complex on Grindstead and Glenmary Drives here in Louisville. I used to drive past it and say to myself I want to live there. As I drove by there once with some out of town guests, I told them that also. I guess I did this for almost a year. I really knew what I wanted.  Every time I went by there I had that thought that I wanted to live there. Guess what? I did eventually live there. The timing all came together for this to happen and I loved being there.

Then I recall how I created the opposite affect. I had a job that anyone should have appreciated and I bad talked it in my mind and out loud till it disappeared. The problem with this aside from the obvious is that I didn't have a DREAM to replace it. If that job was so bad and was something I didn't want, then what did I want?  I didn't really take the time to figure that out- to make my dream and go after it.

It isn't too late of course and as my Blog intro says- I'm writing this so my fav people don't wait til they're 50's to realize they have the universe at their fingertips.

So if you have a dream life- write it down with no buts. (No but I don't have the money, education, contacts. I'm too old, too tired, too................... ) Then concentrate on that dream life everyday- I think the doors will open.

Luv ya!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

The Evil and the Good.

Matthew 5:45 that ye may be sons of your Father who is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sendeth rain on the just and the unjust. 

The above concept is something I swirl around in my head from time to time. You see evil people around the world, or even closer to home, someone who has hurt you get good things in life and wonder why the universe would "bless" them or as the above says allow the "sun to rise" over them?

I have to believe that as the verse says they also do have their "rain". We just don't see it. And while I shouldn't admit this I think down inside we'd all feel a little better about things if we did see the "rain" of our enemies.

But the right thing to do is practice forgiveness and be happy for anyone's blessings in order for us to receive more. It takes practice.

Luv ya.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

A Man & his Dog (and more)


Do something to honor a living friend, whether animal or human, who has touched your life with unconditional love. 

See linked story. Very nice, enjoy. I wanted to share.  

A Picture Worth A Thousand Words


 Luv ya!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Hope the end of the storm is a golden sky and the sweet silver song of a lark.  Walk on through the wind, walk on through the rain...........walk on, walk on with hope in your heart and you'll never walk alone. 

My song of the morning. It popped into my head while showering. I have not heard this song for years. Below I found the Letterman version I grew up with placed with some very nice pictures.  Turn it up and sing at the top of your voice!!!

Luv ya,

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Make it a Ritual

I read something this morning that reminded me to remind you. I've written several times about how important gratefulness is. As I've said, it has even been studied and they found that a ritual of gratefulness improves health and creates a sense of well being.

One way to make this a ritual in your daily life is to use time in the morning when you are maybe not yet fully awake and already stressed about getting ready for or facing your day. You've opened your eyes and stretched, now offer your thankfulness to the universe. Thankfulness for the good begets more good.

Then at night right before you fall asleep, if you say prayers, add to them the good things that happened that day-can be as small as "Someone smiled at me today." and remember how that made you feel.  As you sleep the good will seep into your unconscious. If prayers are not part of your ritual then just remind yourself of the good. It also helps to acknowledge how wonderful YOU were in that day. Maybe you smiled at someone and made their day. Maybe you accomplished something at work/play.  Acknowledge yourself and be good to yourself.

Love you.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Inspiring Perseverance

This is the most inspiring thing that I have seen in a while. (thanks Mom for the picture- more below). This tiny bird built this nest of clay piece by piece, carrying what little bit of clay he could on each trip til it was done. Talk about perseverance!.  Today we all want whatever we want NOW or ASAP.  I am so overwhelmingly inspired and realize that working toward a goal is never a waste of time and bit by bit you/I can and will reach it if we have patience and perseverance.  Time is passing anyway so why not work on the thing that you want while it passes. Bit by bit and maybe you/I will get there as long as we can imagine the end result.  (And sometimes with a little help.)  A book written, a song recorded, a purse made :-), a license obtained, a healthier body, a business.......

And I wonder how many times this little bird dropped the clay from his beak and had to go back and get more. How many failures before the success. I'm printing and keeping this picture at my desk to remind me.

The e-mail sent with this picture just said WOW.  WOW indeed.

"I'll put this little piece here." wow
with a little help from my friends

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Morning Glory or Morning, Glory

Reexamine all that you have been told in school, or in church or in any book. 

Dismiss whatever insults your soul. 

- Walt Whitman -


One of my Morning Glories

Dismiss whatever insults your soul. :-) ..... or affirms negativity, or allows excuses.   I've written about the Landmarks of Excellence teachings before. This teaching takes you back to a time when someone said or did something that "defined" who you would be. You can't do that, you aren't smart enough, people like us don't do well, on and on and on. Or maybe you read that 90% of people grow up to be like their parents and that stuck with you whether you appreciate who your parents are or not.  

Dismiss anything that when repeated gives you a hollow, hurt feeling in your heart or gut.  Not easy, takes work- but with practice it can be done. Be like the mysterious plant in my front garden (it's a Morning Glory)-Be colorful, resilient and open up in the morning ready to surprise the world.

Luv ya, 

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Mother nature, father earth.

The Crescent-Shaped Molokini Crater in Hawaii. 

Wow!  That's all. Just wow. 

Something beautiful to look at this morning. 

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Honeyed Words

And again the Bible a cazillion year old book reinforces what  The Secret, The Laws of Attraction, all that "new" stuff is trying to say.

 The mind of the wise
makes their speech insightful
and enhances the teaching of their lips.

Pleasant words are flowing honey,
sweet to the taste
and healing to the bones. 

Proverbs 16:23-24


Thoughts and words are connected. Don't try and 'fake' on the outside what isn't real inside. This is the hardest part.  My cussing at drivers, my looking at people and thinking bad things, my sitting at home stewing about something instead of thinking positively, my bad chatter about myself.  Eventually whats in my mind will come out of my mouth-  Anyone see that happen!!?  I think if I practice, practice practice, I can change this. When I catch myself doing it I can instantly change my thought and maybe I'll have the mind of the wise and words like honey.

LUV YA*******

Friday, August 31, 2012

Hold on When You Get Love, Let Go When you Give it.

                                   The Stars

This is the name of a song that's been playing on the radio lately. As soon as I heard it I knew I would use it in this blog. What do you think the second part -"let go when you get it"- means.

I think it means to really give all the love you can- let it go. What about you?  Whatever they meant, just love freely and happily.

That said- LOVE YOU!  "  :-)

Monday, August 27, 2012

Ha ha-

Had to laugh at this one.

But there is so much truth there- some people are like this- (right Allison?) avoid the ones you can and put a shield up to those you can't and just giggle at their negativity when possible. If you don't engage mentally and emotionally they can't suck your energy!!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012


Remember the 7 thank yous.

Thank you for............
                                Feels really good after
                                you do it.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012


Faith makes us sure of what we hope for and 

gives us proof of what we cannot see.


Hebrews 11:1

Faith is the opposite of dread. Faith allows us to look forward to the future, to the day ahead when we wake up. Dread is a buzz kill.

Practice faith, hopefulness, joy. Know in your heart that God/the universe is working in your favor and has the perfect plan for you.

If you can't swallow that- than you can at least acknowledge that faith and joy are much better than dread.  So do, read, say whatever it is you have to in order to not have dread.  

Our thoughts and prayers are with a dear friend today as she has her surgery to wipe out the cancer in her body. I (we all) have faith that they will get it all and she will be fine.  We know they will and so readers send positive vibes of that same thought and faith. 

Love you, 

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Joy Joy

If you read my enchanted lawn mower story you'll get this post. If not you might want to go a few posts back. 


Whew! I just unfolded by writing this instead of unraveling.  
And now I think, I'll sing.

I've got the joy joy joy joy down in my heart. Where?

Down in my heart. Where?
 Down in my heart. 
I've got the joy

 hum hum hum  

Luv ya

Friday, August 17, 2012


I know there is strength in the differences between us. 

I know there is comfort, where we overlap.

                                                                                  Ani DeFranc

I saw this the other day and it reminded me of a conversation I had with a friend. Not a long conversation just a mention.  We were talking about some people we knew and she had said that one of them had been one of her best friends. I was surprised and said so and that I thought they were very different people. She said back to me that she doesn't do PLM. PLM? What's that? PEOPLE LIKE ME. She doesn't "type" people or if she does she enjoys the differences and learns from them. Oh, I see. Hummmm.  Well I think I do have PLM syndrome.  And don't most of us?  I sort of "type" people and navigate to my comfort zone for my best friends and those I want to see on a regular basis.  But when I have opened up, I have to say I've sometime had some really different, interesting and cool experiences or aha moments.

This also reminded me of something else I've been told and read- that we can learn something from everyone we meet or come into contact with.  Even if it's just a jolt of what we don't want in life. I remember a time when Madonna had become "friends" with a woman, whose name I can't spell, and she invited her to St. Williams Church, a very liberal Catholic church. I went with her and wow what a cool, different, funny experience that was.  I do have quite a few stories like that. Of learning from our differences.

So may you find comfort where we overlap- I love that- the comfort of being with our friends can be like a big warm quilt thrown over our laps when we're cold. And find strength in the differences through learning. 

Lov ya.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Buddha Says

Each morning we are born again.
What we do today is what matters most.


Love it. This made me think of when I took a weekend retreat with the Landmark Forum (highly recommend it) They taught that we can begin our lives, start new at any time. Anything from the past that prevents us from realizing our goals today can be forgotten and overcome. It takes some work, but they recommend you start with seeing/imagining yourself in the place you want to be, say owning your own business, then go backward. What steps did you take to get there. Then do them. You see if you lay out the steps backward it's like doing something without a past. You don't have the past interfering. It's like being born again. No excuses.

Now we've laid out our plan, backwards, but some of us may still have that thing in our past that prevents us from making the steps. Example- say when you were age 10 you mentioned to someone you really looked up to, an authority figure or confidant or friend that you wanted to have your own business one day and that person said something like "What!!?? That's too hard, you're not smart enough, you're a girl, your--- fill in the blank--." Whether we realize it or not that one moment in time can subconsciously derail us from a dream. Add to that the fact that if it was said once it was probably said many times, maybe in different ways, but said.

Or being from divorced parents affects a kids development. It says so in all the psychology books. Reading that in school and believing it strongly will hinder success. So we work to find that moment, that incident, that belief and eliminate it's power and be born again. A process too lengthy to go into here.

But you don't have to go thru a process really - as Buddha says- what we do today matters most. So even without that process, wake up today and be born again. Believe that can happen, starting new can happen, as much as you believed what someone told you or you read years ago.
Be born again!

Luv Ya,

Thursday, August 9, 2012


Another good affirmation taken from the book the Big Leap.

I expand in abundance, success, and love everyday 

as I inspire others to do the same.

Sort  of says the same as one of my favorites- I am a blessing going in and coming out.
I truly have had times when I've left a group, maybe from a party, a dinner, whatever, when I said to myself, "well you certainly weren't a blessing tonight".   Our brains are run by our hormones, by our past, which affects our moods which are also affected by events, and perceived happenings. It isn't always easy to live and be the people we really want to be. It does take practice if it isn't our true nature.  You know what I mean. You know people who you would describe as just crabby, moody, mean. They too can be a blessing if they affirm to be so.  


Oh and let's not forget abundance, however you define that for yourself.

Luv ya soooooooooooo much!


Wednesday, August 1, 2012

So Simple

Thoughts become things... choose the good ones!

So simple, yet so difficult to do. 

Luv ya!

Monday, July 23, 2012

The Enchanted Lawn Mower

Okay- this may take a bit of faith from you guys, but as I've posted many times I CHOOSE TO BELIEVE.
That said- I have an enchanted lawn mower. Yes I said enchanted. From how it came to be in my possession, to the kind old man who serviced it previously, to how it reacts to me. 

You may have read my post a while back where I just wanted to give up, which was facilitated by the mower not working. It had just stopped on me. I think I also said that maybe it was for the best. What I didn't write was that I was very hot and my heart was racing. After I stopped trying to fix it I began pulling weeds and I got really light-headed. So I stopped and went inside.

A couple days after that I just felt drawn to try to fix the mower again and I felt like I was led to the exact thing I needed to do. I had no idea there was a compartment with a filter in it but I found it, figured out that it opened, and was led to pull out and dust off the filter. Voila- it started. I had only a bit more grass to cut to be finished. I finished it with a lot less sweating, etc.

That mower has stopped on me 2 other times and each time it has been when I was saying to myself that I should probably stop before I have a stroke or heart attack. "But I just have a littler more to go!!" (I do the same thing when I exercise- I just what to keep going.) Boom the thing stops.  I am not making this up. I laughed so hard yesterday when I came to this realization. I was going to try to finish the backyard, but full disclosure- after the mower stopped I got so light-headed that I actually went out front in case I fainted so someone might see  Did the mower know this!??  lol

I love my mower!~!  It was given to me, free,  by a nice man. While I haven't yet met the man who serviced the mower, I've been told he is a sweet, wise older man. Maybe he added a nice charm to the mower, or maybe my guardian angels are involved.  I've got a little bit more to cut so out I go and it'll be a breeze.

Crazy?  Maybe- but it's fun believing. Alli and Nick, I hope you guys can have fun with the dull things in life. Makes it so much easier.

Luv ya,

Thursday, July 19, 2012

No Meany Zone

WOW!  I now have over 1000 hits on my blog. I am excited.
I know that I probably repeat ideas in my post. But I really just write what comes to me either physically via TV, Web, something someone says, etc or there is something I am wrestling with myself, or something pops to mind.

I say that because I feel I've written something likes before, but in different words maybe.  Today, I was thinking about the people we associate with or come into contact with on a regular basis. We have a choice of being with positive, happy, affirming people and that's who we usually spend most of our time with. Because why would we do otherwise. But sometimes there is that one person you know is gonna say something, purposely or not, that will bring ya down.  A comment, a look, or just an overall attitude that does not affirm the best in us. Not that someone should have to work to build another person up, but if more than once we go away from them feeling uneasy-with a feeling that is not affirming what you want to feel about yourself, than perhaps that person should be weeded out. And if that is not possible, if it is someone we work with, see at most functions, family, etc,  than we should do our personal armor work.

This can be done by being mentally prepared- you know "what you say is just like glue, it bounces off of me and sticks to you. ha ha ha ha ha ha.  Or actually physically prepare- I've done this before meetings with people I don't like or who make me uncomfortable.  I bend down to my toes, and do a zipping action all the up over my head, take a deep breath and mentally KNOW I cannot be hurt. It has worked. I so wish I knew some of these things a long time ago.

Anyway, if you practice the "Law of Attraction" or the power of positive thinking at all, you know that listening to but, more importantly taking in, negative comments or actions can attract more negativity.  According to the laws of attraction- "When you spend time with those who appreciate you, it stimulates your own thoughts of appreciation. When you spent time with those who only see your flaws then those flaws become your point of attraction". Like it or not it is human nature to dwell more on something bad then on the good. It is a scientific fact.

I'm not talking about the occasional constructive criticism. I want to know if I'm breaking the laws of Perpetual Coolness, (inside joke) or behaving in a way that is not in integrity. 

Luv ya, 

Hey if what write is sometimes confusing- I know my thoughts sometimes are all over the place- leave a comment, start a dialogue and we'll discuss.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Sometimes the bad is for the best.

This was an e-mail forwarded to me by my mom. I've posted about it's message before. A reminder.

Me: God, can I ask you a question?
God: Sure.
Me: Promise you won't get mad?
God: I promise.
Me: Why did you let so much stuff happen to me today?
God: What do you mean?
Me: Well, I woke up late My car took forever to start, At lunch they made my sandwich wrong and I had to wait, On the way home my phone went dead just as I picked up a call, And on top of all that, when I got home I just wanted to soak my feet in my new foot massager and relax, but it wouldn't work!!! Nothing went right today! Why did you do that?
God: Well, let me see. The Death Angel was at your bed this morning and I had to send one of the other angels to battle him for your life. I let you sleep through that.  
 -I didn't let your car start because there was a drunk driver on your route that would have hit you if you were on the road.
-The person who made your first sandwich today was sick and I didn't want you to catch what he has. I knew you couldn't afford to miss work.
-Your phone went dead because the person who was calling was going to give false witness about what you said during that call. I didn't even let you talk to them so that you would be covered.
-Oh, and that foot massager had a short that was going to throw out all of the power in your house tonight. I didn't think you wanted to be in the dark.
Me: I'm sorry God.
God: Don't be sorry, just learn to trust me in all things, the good and the bad.
And don't doubt that MY plan for your day is always better than your plan.
Me: I won't, God. And let me just tell you God, thank you for everything today.
God: You're welcome, child. It was just another day being your God, and I love looking after my children.

So I'm gonna go on and think that all those wrong and/or missed  turns I make in the car is God protecting me and not me losing my mind.  

Luv ya,