Thoughts about gratitude and attitude and keeping positive in an often negative world. Created for my favorite people, my son and my niece but open to any who may enjoy starting the day/week with a positive thought.
Dear Nick & Alli & Friends - I received this in my e-mail this morning from Mike Dooly's "Words from the Universe"- a weekly e-mail I receive. "Happily-ever-after," I'm happy to tell you, Vicki, begins with "happily"... HOW COOL WAS THAT!!in more ways than one. So the next time a loved one sets out to find it, maybe have them consider that the trail may turn frosty cold, if it's not set out upon happily. There, that should get you started. I mean, them. Tallyho, The Universe So another affirmation you might consider: I go about my day happily and my happily-ever-after is here and now. I look forward to, and am open to what the universe has to offer today. Luv ya! |