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Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Just Do It!

Alli, Nick & Friends-  GET THOSE ENDORPHINS GOING!  Stop whatever you are doing right now and write down or say out loud 10 things your are grateful for.




Monday, January 30, 2012


Dear Nick, Alli & Friend,

Affirmation- (SAY IT LOUD)

Dreams are knocking on my door- I am open to what the Universe is calling me to do today- no worries, no excuses.

Before you get out of bed in the morning- say this and follow with-                              

-then put your feet on the floor.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Angel Cards

Dear Nick, Alli & Friends-  I decided this morning to go  (was led to?) to my Angel Cards for inspiration and a message for you.  When I began to shuffle them 2 cards were backward in the deck and I knew those were the ones I should read. Here they are.
Truth & Integrity - You are guided to be very honest with yourself and to be true to yourself in all your work, activities and actions. Further- Let go of  all activities that do not mirror your highest intentions for yourself.
I have talked to Nick about living in integrity - doing what you say you will for others and yourself- Not doing something you'll feel guilty about later. But if you're gonna do it, do it, and forget the guilt later. Its not worth it.

Next card
Study- You are engaged in learning. Your angels guide you to read, listen and grow. This is an important time for you to learn new ideas and skills. If you are considering a class, enroll,(Alli that TM class, maybe)  if you are in one continue. 
I got this card so many times when I was in my "search mode". I would go for weeks without reading my books or listening to tapes and for me I think I was being told to get back at it.  Interesting it would come up for you guys. But I think it is a lesson we can all hear- always read, listen and grow. ( anyone need to get back to school, take a couple classes? Alli, Nick, friends?)     Luv ya

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Guardian Angels

Dear Alli, Nick and Friends--  I've mentioned before that I know God can't do everything and be everywhere though we are taught that in Sunday School. His helpers are our angels. I believe there are general angels and there are guardian angels.
There are many mentions of angels in the bible and 11 people who were visited by angels in the Bible. (Life Application Bible). Each visit is described as being fearful, (" they were sore afraid- speaking of the Shepherds who were visited by an angel.) until they were convinced to not be afraid. Then they were joyful that God was accepting of them and offering his friendship and help. How great to know we have that kind of help and friendship!! So if there were angels way back then- why not now. Did they just disappear or go away? I think not. We just have to open our hearts and minds and be accepting and unafraid.

I have several guardian angels and they have been named- Treasure is my mischievous angel. She's the one that puts my under wear in the freezer cause I would never do that ;-). (yes it happen- muli-tasking). Then there is Major my main angel, my watch guard and confident. The one that shows up the most. And several others.

Story- Saturday I was cleaning the bathroom and was taking the wastebasket to the trash. As I went down the hall for some reason I dropped it. I wasn't heavy, but it flipped out of my hands and the contents scattered everywhere. I was cussing and berating myself and going oooh, ick. Then I looked down and there was an expensive eye cream I had been looking for. LOVE WHEN THAT HAPPENS!!. Coincidence?  I don't know, but I thanked my angels and God anyway.  They love to be thanked and will work with you more often if you do. I mean if you didn't thank a friend that helped you, they'd be reluctant to help you again.sooooooo

Moral of this long winded writing (sorry)-  Think back to times that you've had near misses and cool findings etc. Accept and acknowledge that you are being helped. Try to get in touch with your guardian angels. Do you think you might have met yours without realizing it. I have. Nick you have. I could go on and on on this subject- but I'll stop now.  Luv ya'll.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

So Cool!

Dear Nick & Alli & Friends - I received this in my e-mail this morning from Mike Dooly's "Words from the Universe"- a weekly e-mail I receive.

"Happily-ever-after," I'm happy to tell you, Vicki, begins with "happily"... 
in more ways than one.
So the next time a loved one sets out to find it, maybe have them 

consider that the trail may turn frosty cold, if it's not set out upon happily.  

There, that should get you started. I mean, them.

    The Universe
  So another affirmation you might consider:

I go about my day happily and my happily-ever-after is here and now. I look forward to, and am open to what the universe has to offer today.

Luv ya!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Dear Alli & Nick-
"I am open and receptive to all the good and 
abundance in the Universe."

I get inspiration from so many different sites and books etc. This one came from Louise Hay again.
 "For a person new to affirmations, making a positive statement or wish as if it were true can be difficult and takes practice. But saying it as if it is true is at the heart of what a positive affirmation is."

What also takes practice is fighting off the negative chatter.

Here's an example of two affirmations, one positive and one negative.
                 I don't know what the heck I'm gonna do with my life.
                 I know I am on the right path in my life and I will find my way with the
                 help of the universe.

If what we believe about ourselves and our life ultimately becomes true, these two affirmations will each have a dramatically different effect on our life. Make sense?

Affirmation for the day, for the week for the year- post it up, remember it- say it often with belief.

"I am open and receptive to all the good and 
abundance in the Universe."   Luv Ya

Monday, January 23, 2012


Dear Nick & Alli
Trust life to hear and respond to your positive words. Say positive affirmations every day and your whole world will change for the better. Louis Hayes, Author and creator of the Passion Test

Continue with the negative chatter and you stay in a negative state. Because you see affirmations are affirmations- negative or positive. Your world responds as you wish it to.  (Me)

Here's one
 I do not really have "problems". 
I only think I do by the way I interpret my circumstances.
A "problem" is an illusion. It is a limiting profession without gratitude. (author unknown)

Hard to believe when you're in the middle of a "problem". But if you can take a step back, breath and analyze the circumstance you will more easily see a way out.  Luv Ya.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

No Guilt

Dear Alli & Nick- I want to explain today that it is important to me that no guilt be associated with my writings. Alli you said to me on the phone that you have been reading the postings but had not really done the exercises (I think we were talking about listing our 2012 hopes & wishes). That's okay- I've posted quite a few exercises and will post more in the future. These posting just explain what I've learned and what I like. You only need to act on what you are drawn to or feel compelled by. And not just with my posting, but in all facets of spirituality you may come across. It's a very personal thing. There are no "I should"s, or "I need to" s. There is just "I want to". You want to because it feels good for you. Because you know it is working in your life or will work. But of course, I do hope you feel compelled at times.

For some people it's going to church every week, for others it meditation groups, or bible study, etc. They do this because it is what makes them feel good/better about themselves and this world.

See the important thing for me is that you are just exposed. That the words enter your brain because I know you are exposed to a lot of garbage (remember Zig Zigger- Garbage in Garbage out). I know people who put positive affirmations all over their house, the bathroom mirror, on the car visor, etc. I truly believe that positive messages, positively affect our lives.

Also, Nick we were having a conversation where spirituality came up. And while I don't remember the specifics, I remember you saying something along the lines of "Why didn't you ever tell me/teach me about this?"  Well I don't know Nick. I was too new to it myself, I guess. But I have ever since and I am now.


Saturday, January 21, 2012

I Believe (part II)

Dear Nick & Alli- To add to yesterday's post a bit.
I call on my "peeps" who have passed on, my guardian angels, God, the universe in what some might say are inappropriate times- the small stuff. But I believe that God wants to hear from us all the time. (when I say God- I also mean all of his/her helpers, "my peeps"- he really can't do it all alone- no matter what the "religious ho haw" want you to think) When we're in dire need, but also just when we want to let off steam or have a chat about a decision or to thank him for your peanut butter and jelly sandwich, just whatever. An example, thus the part II-  When I run I sometimes talk out loud- running by yourself can get boring and the monkey chatter in our brain can bring up some bad stuff if you're not careful. You know what I mean by monkey chatter right? So I sometimes say things like "God loves me", "my family & friends love me", "I'm cool and pretty;-), "John come on help me up this hill", etc. Silly I know, but effective. Sometimes I say the Lord's Prayer (the most perfect prayer for any occasion in my opinion-take it line for line and it covers everything you need- for another posting).  Is it inappropriate to call for help to just get up a hill? I don't think so.

My point is to talk to the universe when you need extra umph to get going. No matter how small the need.  Let it out!! Saying or singing, which is even better, the Lords Prayer or other positive affirmations over your monkey chatter might diminish, at least a bit, the anger, the hurt, the tediousness of the job. At the very least it builds up positive universe karma.   Try it!   Luv ya, luv ya, luv ya!!

Friday, January 20, 2012

I Believe

Dear Nick & Alli-  Another personal story if you don't mind. You know I jog- try to jog- as often as possible. Some days when I start out I can tell that it just isn't going to be a very good run. (age and lifestyle maybe :-)  I was having one of those runs and coming near the end, which is a slight uphill. As I turned the corner I heard footsteps behind me. I said to myself "well someone's trying to pass me" Can't blame them, I'm struggling, might have to walk. But nothing, then the sound went away. A few steps further and I heard it again and thought I felt someone coming behind me, I swung around and there was no one there. I got an overwhelming feeling of AHA!. I knew in that instant that it was John. As real a feeling as this computer I'm typing on. I just said thanks for joining me -its usually better running with a partner. I got some wind beneath my wings and made it home. Now some might think why would John's spirit choose to jog with me. I say why not!  I CHOOSE TO BELIEVE! I was just the lucky one that day.

Alli, Nick- you've got support from many facets of the universe-of course from those who love and care for you, who would do anything in the world for you solidly here on earth- but don't forget to ask for help if you need it from the loved ones you can't see. I believe they are with us too when they can be. 

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Mental Sunshine

Mental sunshine will cause the flowers of peace, happiness and prosperity to grow upon the face of the Earth. Be a creator of mental sunshine. 
  -Graffiti on a wall in Berkley Calf.

I like that!  Another take on gratitude- Get up in the morning and answer this question-"What do I feel grateful for about myself". Blow some mental sunshine your own way.   Luv ya!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012


Dear Nick & Alli- I think Zig Ziggler says it best, "Garbage in Garbage out".    I truly believe and it's been said and probably proven many times, that when you read, listen to and are around positive thoughts and energy your very cells take it in- Osmosis- if you will.  And if you go the garbage route, well...............
So  here is something beautiful to start your day.  Listen please and enjoy. Luv ya.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Oysters Anyone?

Dear Alli & Nick,
"THE WORLD IS YOUR OYSTER!" I bet you both heard someone say this to you. Probably around the time of your High School graduation. A very old saying. I never knew where it came from or even why oyster. The pearl inside maybe- like grabbing the brass ring?  But I do understand the sentiment. In this new age world the saying might relate to the Secret or the Power of Positive Thinking or the many other ways out there of saying  "Its big world out there and you can make of it what you want".  The problem with most people is believing it!!   Another problem is knowing what you want from the world.  Try hard to find your passion (I'll talk about that in a later blog)  Once you've found it go for it with all you've got- but live with gusto and joy on your way there.
Sometimes you just enjoy eating the oyster and that's fine too.

Monday, January 16, 2012


Dear Nick & Alli
Find pleasure in the little things. Take time to look a little deeper and enjoy when nature offers it's blessings.

The wonder and good feelings permeate your brain, your psyche. It sinks in and gradually changes your attitude.....your life.

This butterfly was on the poinsettias in Florida. An odd combination for us Louisvillians. He was not afraid of us at all- allowed us to touch him. 

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Oh The Places I Can Go

Yes, yes it is. There is just something about water and fire that has an attraction and fascination for human beings. Something deep in our evolved souls.  But unlike some lucky souls-(Alli) we can't all be near the beach. And then there are the unlucky souls who live near or visit near a beach who do not appreciate it's healing and soothing properties. 

But to my title. I can go there most anytime I want in my meditations and often do. I can almost smell the ocean and hear the waves.  Take a deep breath close your eyes and imagine the sun on your face and the sand in your toes and listen to what the wind is telling you.  Luv ya!

Saturday, January 14, 2012


Bettye LaVette- saw her in concert last night- Great song written by Lucinda Williams who was a struggling musician who got her heart broken many times- This song explains her search for Joy and her discovery that you ain't gonna find it anywhere but inside- I'll say it again- live joyfully on the way to finding your perfect Joy or as Bettye says "your heaven"

Friday, January 13, 2012

Those Dreaded Feelings

Read this recently-

Feelings are like waves- you can't stop them but you can choose which ones to surf.

I kinda like that- when overcome with negative feeling one thing you can do is struggle to do a gratitude exercise. Or the gratitude dance!! Yeah - the gratitude dance. (I've shown you that- right?) And it is a struggle if you're in the middle of a hissy or feeling blue or just plain mad. Surf that wave a little, feel it,  then do the gratitude dance and let it go on by to the shore. I'm telling you, it's hard to stay upset when you're thinking of all the good stuff in your life. You might even end up cracking a smile or two. 

Thursday, January 12, 2012


Dear Nick & Alli   On the run-so a real shorty-

Opened my daily devotional to this-

"I waited patiently and expectantly for the Lord and He  inclined to me and heard my cry"
                                                                                                                  Psalm 40:1

Or in other words-   Ask and ye shall receive.  Really!! What a wonderful thing to know

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


Dear Nick & Alli-  Got this from Mike Dooley who is insanely wonderful in the area of positive thinking. And it is perfect for at least one of you at this very minute.

"So you think that if $10,000,000 were to be suddenly deposited into your checking account, that over the following months and years you'd have fewer and fewer challenges? Or do you think, perhaps, that your challenges would simply evolve and change?"

Right, evolve and change.

Yeah that money would certainly help us all!  Money, fame, a new house, car etc., will make you happy for a while then the old demons come back unless you can learn how to deal with them, live in the moment, and look forward to the best. Things may be a bit crappy but, again, be grateful for what you do have. A roof over your head- enough money to at least eat and have some fun- and the knowledge that even better is right around the corner. But, you have to love where you are on the way to where you are going.

Mike Dooley also says "Thoughts become things- choose the good ones."  When the bad ones creep in, push em out as quick as possible. It takes practice!! Remember you get "Notes from the Universe" all day long. Are you listening? Am I making sense? Hope so, cause I love ya.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Do This Please

Dear Alli & Nick - Short message today. Please do something for me. Take a few minutes tonight and do- well- two things for me.  Write on a piece of paper all the things that you disliked about last year, things you did, people you can forgive, things that happened, bad thoughts you had, whatever.  DID I MENTION PEOPLE AND ACTIONS YOU CAN FORGIVE.  (Nick- like your mother's over protectiveness in your childhood-sorry : .)   Then say a little prayer or SHOUT if you want - Begone these things I hate!!,  Only sort-of kidding. In your own way acknowledge you are ridding your life of this negativity and burn the paper. In the fireplace or light it and throw it in something fireproof. 

Next- write on a paper what you want in 2012. Use crayons and colored pencils to draw pictures if you want, or just do little pencil, stick figures like I did, cut pictures out of magazines (a treasure map) or just make a list. Make it fun... or not.  Put the paper either where you can see it everyday- or close to someplace you are often- in/on a bedside table is a good place. Just glancing at it will remind you of what's in it. Positive thoughts become positive things.
Short testament- I sat up one day and said wow- this job was on my treasure map list.
Sometimes the changes in your life are so subtle you don't realize it at first.
Love you. All of you. Happy 2012.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Addemdum to Deux

After seeing the sunrise I was speaking to Madonna and mention it to her. Her comment back was- just think of all the people who never see it, never take the time to look. Hummmm   Now I had something else to be grateful about- that I opened my eyes and saw. it.  Alli- you have a wise mother you know.

Gratitude and It's not a coincidence- duex

Dear Alli n Nick-  I want to tell you a story about something that happened in my life that I attribute to my gratitude exercises.  I started a ritual of standing on the front porch for a few minutes to offer gratitude for a few things. Nothing fancy- I go to get the newspaper but before I go back in the house I'd take a deep breath and just be thankful. If it was raining I'd thank God (the universe if you aren't yet ready to acknowledge God) for the rain that nourishes the grass and the birds that were singing. Always thanking God for my family and friends. But the hard part is to be thankful for things that you aren't really happy about. Take my house- Most people who know me know I have wanted to sell this for years. You cannot be thankful than add a "but" at the end or in the back of your mind. You know- Thank you for this house that give me and Nick a place to call our own (but I hate this money pit!!)  You can't do that- ya gotta just be thankful.  So I was doing this for a few weeks- then one morning I looked up and saw the most beautiful sunrise. If I look a little bit to the right, the street is rimmed by these big trees and I can see the sunrise between them. Understand- I have lived in the house for 8 years-I'VE NEVER NOTICED THAT SUNRISE!! I was being too negative to notice it. IT IS NOT A COINCIDENCE. My gratitude led me to see things differently. After that really I began to enjoy the house so much more- I still want to sell it and move but while I'm here, I'm not miserable. In addition if there is a sunrise at the front of the house there must be a sunset in the back. Right? Guess what there is. After 8 years I see that there is often a beautiful sunset off the back deck.  Nick and Alli-  Try it please.

Saturday, January 7, 2012


Dear Nick & Alli,  Gratitude will be the subject of a few of my post. There is so much to say. It has really become a hot subject- buzz word though. Everywhere I turn I see or hear something about the importance of Gratitude. What started in the spiritual world has gone mainstream. I know this because there has actually been a study on the affects of gratitude on the body. It seems that the simple act of listing 10 items, on paper or just in your head, that you are grateful for daily increases endorphins in the brain. And we know that endorphins give us a feeling of well being and happiness. We had a short discussion about gratitude while I was in Florida at Christmas. Alli equated being grateful for what we have with settling or not striving for more and I see how one might think that way. If I am "content" with say, my house then I won't work to get something better. But that isn't how it works. Being discontent all the time is bad for our psyche and is detrimental to our happiness. The answer is to be grateful this day for what you have while you work to get what you want.   You see the universe can't/won't give you more if you don't appreciate what you've already been given.  Try it for a few days- Nick take a few minutes when you get up from sleep (about 2:00, 3:00 :>) to be grateful for a few things.- Really truly deep down grateful. Breath it in, fill your heart.  I'll write later about some other exercises you can do in the way of gratitude.

Friday, January 6, 2012

It can't be a coincidence!

Dear Nick and Alli-   One ritual I sometimes perform in the mornings is what I call my Gathering of "helpers.  I learned this from a wonderful medium, Dale Eply who helped me recognize my sensitivity and psychic ability. I get quiet, take a few minutes to breath deeply and clear my mind. As I do this I see people gather in a circle - for me they are in chairs hanging in the air- (funny huh? Angels in chairs)  and I ask for help for my upcoming day and to provide any message I might need. The spirit of those who have passed on as well as the spirit of really strong believers who are still alive gather. Sometimes I am really surprised by who shows up- The usual are there- my dad, John, Cheryl some faceless souls (thank you whoever you are) then Diane Walker, Debi Magnes, sometimes Dale Eply, Lin Williams, my guardian angel(s) once my grandmother. And I just listen- I might get something immediately and I might not get what they were trying to tell me till later in the day. It'll be an aha moment. Love those!!.  But I always thank them for showing up. VERY IMPORTANT
Well- on New Years day I was standing at the back door of a little house in Vermont looking at the most beautiful woods and mountains and I took this time for my Gathering.  For what ever reason- I said in my mind- my dad seems far away these days I'm just making this up- he isn't here. But I did get a message from the Gathering that day to show more gratitude for the things that people do for me or give me. That came in really, really strong. Then my daily Secret email came and darn if it didn't tell the same thing. Gotta love how that works.

I went about the morning as we prepared  to drive to the ski areas in Vermont. As I got in the car I looked down by my foot and there was a shiny silver dime.  I shouted "Oh my gosh"  Thank you, thank you. It can't be a coincidence!!  You are here"  You see I know when I find a dime that my Dad has visited me. I find them in the most unusual places now.I felt so warm and loved.

Alli & Nick- please take the time- even if it's just a few minutes- but sometimes carve out more- to listen to the wisdom of the universe. It always has something to tell you. And please believe that you have angels -those who have passed and those still with you- who love you and will always be there for you.

Thursday, January 5, 2012


I'm a mother, daughter, friend, worker (and more) who has searched for meaning and happiness in life-something to make it easier. I've looked for IT and "spirituality" at non-denominational churches, baptist, christian, catholic, unity, workshops, retreats, etc. The thoughts I blog here are from those visits, the many books I've read and the many conversations I've had as well as the revelations I've gotten from my meditations. I didn't know to even look for "spirituality" until I was in my late 40s early 50s. I knew something was missing. As I read and learned I often got that "if I had only known then" feeling all the time. Like dang I would have been in my marriage differently or raised my son differently, etc if I had the "tools" I have now. Thus this blog for Nick and Alli. They won't always answer the phone or have the time to talk about this when they do so they can read at their leisure. Maybe I can provide some tools for them now and get them thinking and searching now as they make the big, and little, decisions that they will inevitably face as they progress through their young lives. And if anyone else finds my blogs interesting- well that is icing on the cake.