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Sunday, January 8, 2012

Gratitude and It's not a coincidence- duex

Dear Alli n Nick-  I want to tell you a story about something that happened in my life that I attribute to my gratitude exercises.  I started a ritual of standing on the front porch for a few minutes to offer gratitude for a few things. Nothing fancy- I go to get the newspaper but before I go back in the house I'd take a deep breath and just be thankful. If it was raining I'd thank God (the universe if you aren't yet ready to acknowledge God) for the rain that nourishes the grass and the birds that were singing. Always thanking God for my family and friends. But the hard part is to be thankful for things that you aren't really happy about. Take my house- Most people who know me know I have wanted to sell this for years. You cannot be thankful than add a "but" at the end or in the back of your mind. You know- Thank you for this house that give me and Nick a place to call our own (but I hate this money pit!!)  You can't do that- ya gotta just be thankful.  So I was doing this for a few weeks- then one morning I looked up and saw the most beautiful sunrise. If I look a little bit to the right, the street is rimmed by these big trees and I can see the sunrise between them. Understand- I have lived in the house for 8 years-I'VE NEVER NOTICED THAT SUNRISE!! I was being too negative to notice it. IT IS NOT A COINCIDENCE. My gratitude led me to see things differently. After that really I began to enjoy the house so much more- I still want to sell it and move but while I'm here, I'm not miserable. In addition if there is a sunrise at the front of the house there must be a sunset in the back. Right? Guess what there is. After 8 years I see that there is often a beautiful sunset off the back deck.  Nick and Alli-  Try it please.

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