Dear Alli & Nick - Short message today. Please do something for me. Take a few minutes tonight and do- well- two things for me. Write on a piece of paper all the things that you disliked about last year, things you did, people you can forgive, things that happened, bad thoughts you had, whatever. DID I MENTION PEOPLE AND ACTIONS YOU CAN FORGIVE. (Nick- like your mother's over protectiveness in your childhood-sorry : .) Then say a little prayer or SHOUT if you want - Begone these things I hate!!, Only sort-of kidding. In your own way acknowledge you are ridding your life of this negativity and burn the paper. In the fireplace or light it and throw it in something fireproof.

Next- write on a paper what you want in 2012. Use crayons and colored pencils to draw pictures if you want, or just do little pencil, stick figures like I did, cut pictures out of magazines (a treasure map) or just make a list. Make it fun... or not. Put the paper either where you can see it everyday- or close to someplace you are often- in/on a bedside table is a good place. Just glancing at it will remind you of what's in it. Positive thoughts become positive things.
Short testament- I sat up one day and said wow- this job was on my treasure map list.
Sometimes the changes in your life are so subtle you don't realize it at first.
Love you. All of you. Happy 2012.
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